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Using Regex Filters in Alerts

You can refine the data in notifications using regex filters. Adding a regex filter allows you to select specific data to include in the alert output.

There is no danger that a regex filter will disrupt the notification.

  • If the regex matches the relevant data, only the desired results will be displayed.
  • If the regex does not match, the filter will be ignored, and the alert output will include the full, unaltered value.

Examples of Regex Filters


When creating a regex filter, consider all characters preceding the one you're trying to filter.

The custom output will display the data matched in the capture group(s) of the regular expression.

ValueRegex filterOutput

For example, if you have a hostname "logzio-support-host-1", then a regular expression of logzio-(.*) will give you "support-host-1".

You can also capture multiple parts of a string. For example, if you run (.*)-support(.*) on the previous example, you will get "logzio-host-1". This is because the first capture group matches "logzio" and the second capture group matches "-host-1" and the results are concatenated in the field.

If you only want to capture the number "1" from "logzio-support-host-1", you can use .*(\d+). This pattern matches any character up to the first number and captures that number.