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Single Sign-On With Azure offers seamless integration for Single Sign-On (SSO) with Azure. Follow these steps to set up SSO for your account.

Request SSO access from


Only account admins can request single sign-on access for their accounts.

To kick off this process, send an email to Write that you want to set up Azure SAML SSO for and include the following details:

The Support team will respond with the connection information you'll need to input in Azure.

Log into your Azure Portal and follow the instructions in Azure's docs to add the - Microsoft Entra Integration from the Gallery.

When you get to the step Set up single sign-on with SAML, use the SAML information provided by Support:

  • Identifier (Entity ID).
  • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL).


Zip the SAML certificate

In your Azure app, navigate to Manage > Single sign-on and select the SAML method. Download the Certificate (Base64) and zip it. Email this zip file to the Support team.

In your new Azure app, navigate to Manage > Single sign-on and select the SAML method. Download the Certificate (Base64) and zip it. Email this zip file to the Support team.

SAML Certificate

Save your configuration and continue.

Send your SAML details to

Draft a new email to Support, and include:

  • Your zipped SAML Signing Certificate (from the previous step).
  • Your Azure Login URL (SAML-P SIGN-ON ENDPOINT)


Configure Azure to send user groups

Go to the App registrations page in your Azure Portal. If is not visible, click View all applications. Open the App registrations service, choose the relevant application, and click Manifest.

Set groupMembershipClaims to "All" in the JSON manifest and save your configuration.

groupMembershipClaims Editor

Additional configuration for users who are in over 150 groups


Azure’s API requires additional configuration for members of 150 groups.

Azure has limitations for users who are members of over 150 groups, which requires additional configuration. To ensure proper data transmission, follow these steps:

Navigate to Microsoft Entra ID > App Registrations and open the app.

Next, navigate to API Permissions, and click Add a permission.

Add the three following permissions to your account:

  1. Select the APIs my organization uses tab on the right side menu, and click on Windows Azure Active Directory. Next, choose Application permissions > Directory.Read.All and add the permission.

    Add read all permission

  2. Click Add a permission. Under Microsoft APIs select Microsoft Graph. Choose Application permissions, and search for Group. Choose Group:ReadAll, and click Add permissions.

    Add group read all permission

  3. Click Add a permission, select Microsoft APIs tab and click on Microsoft Graph again. Choose Application permissions, search for Application, choose Application.Read.All, and click Add permissions.

    Add application read all permission

Next, navigate to Certificates & secrets on the left side menu, and add a New client secret. Name the secret, set the expiration date to the farthest option available, 24 months, and click the Add button.

Navigate to Overview, located on the left side menu, copy the Application (client) ID and send it with the Secret you've created to Support team.

Once your connection has been updated and approved by Support team, you and your team should be able to log in to via the SSO connection (found in Apps dashboard) regardless of the number of members in a group.

(Optional) Restrict access to to specific user groups

Add group

By default, all Azure users with access can sign in to your accounts.

To restrict access, navigate to the Manage users page for each account, click Add group, and paste the group's Object ID.

Find your Object ID in your Azure app > Groups. Open the relevant group and copy the Object ID string.


Receive confirmation from Support

Once the Support team confirms the Azure + connection, you can log in to through your Azure Apps portal.