Send AWS data with Telemetry Collector
Telemetry Collector is currently available in all regions except for Japan. If you're located in this region, you can use’s integrations hub to send your data.
To start sending your AWS data through the Telemetry Collector, Log into your main account, navigate to the Integration hub and choose one of the AWS integrations available under the Quick Setup option.
To configure the Telemetry Collector, you must be logged into your main account.
This integration is only compatible with Amazon Linux version 2 on EC2. The use of version 1 is deprecated.
The IAM role assigned to the EC2 instance must include the ec2:DescribeTags
permission in its policy.
Configure AWS Logs / Metrics
Select data sources
Each AWS environment requires different elements to collect your data.
- AWS Logs - Select your region, AWS services, and Custom Log Groups.
- AWS Metrics - Select your region and AWS namespace.
- EC2 Monitoring - Auto collects the data. uses OpenTelemetry to monitor your EC2.
Define your collector
You can edit your collector’s name and description and choose which Logs, Metrics, and Tracing accounts to use. If you don’t have active accounts, you can review the newly generated account names before continuing.
Click Generate collector to continue.
Optional - Define your EC2 collector
You can configure the data sources the Telemetry Collector will collect. To do so, after choosing the EC2 Monitoring option, click on Advance settings at the top of the page. Next, you can edit and change the location of your logs, and whether you want to monitor both logs and metrics.
Install the Telemetry Collector
Login to your AWS account, launch the AWS stack to run stack configuration and click the Run AWS stack button to activate your collector.
Some platforms require additional details, such as admin privileges or passwords, to complete the installation. These details are not sent to or stored by
It might take a while for the Telemetry Collector to get up and running, after which you can view your logs, metrics, or traces and get full observability into your system.
Manage your EC2 Telemetry Collector:
To manage an AWS EC2 Telemetry Collector on your Linux machine, you can use the following commands:
To run these commands, make sure you're using SystemD.
Description | Command |
Collector Binary: | /opt/logzio-agent/logzio-otel-collector/otelcol-logzio-linux_amd64 |
Collector Config: | /opt/logzio-agent/logzio-otel-collector/otel_config.yaml | Agent Logs: | /opt/logzio-agent/logzio_agent.log |
Start Service: | sudo systemctl start logzioOTELCollector |
Stop Service: | sudo systemctl stop logzioOTELCollector |
Delete Service: | sudo /opt/logzio-agent/logzio-otel-collector/delete_service.bash |
Show Service: | sudo systemctl | grep logzioOTELCollector |
Show Service Logs: | sudo systemctl status -l logzioOTELCollector |
If you have additional questions about managing your Telemetry Collector, contact's Support team.