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Share OpenSearch Dashboards Objects

You can share OpenSearch dashboards, saved searches, and visualizations between your accounts by exporting and importing them. This is helpful if you have multiple main accounts or accounts in multiple regions. You can also use this process to keep a local backup copy.

Export objects from OpenSearch Dashboards


You can export data from up to 20 different accounts. To export data from more than 20 accounts, you'll need to add all your available accounts to the search by clicking Add all accounts.

The first step is to export your existing dashboards, searches, and visualizations from your OpenSearch Dashboards instance.

  1. In Logs > OpenSearch Dashboards, click the side menu > (Management) > Stack Management > Saved objects
  2. Select Export xxx objects (xxx is the number of objects available for export).
  3. You can un-select any categories you want to exclude from the export. Another way to do this is to hand-pick the objects you want to export, but this is less recommended.
  4. Click Export all.
  5. A JSON file with your exported objects will be saved to your default location.

Find saved objects


The full export is highly recommended. That way, you can be sure you'll have everything, irrespective of any inter-dependencies. For example, if you export a single object that happens to be dependent on another object, the export can fail.

Import objects from a JSON

Before you begin:

Make sure that the relevant logs have already shipped to your account and refresh the OpenSearch Dashboards mapping.

Assuming you've got a JSON with your exported objects, it's time to import them into your account.

  1. In Logs > OpenSearch Dashboards, click the side menu > (Management) > Stack Management > Saved objects
  2. Click Import and select the relevant JSON file.
  3. You can toggle the option to overwrite conflicts automatically. Enable it if you want the export to overwrite existing objects in case of conflict. Select the option that works for you.

You're done! You can use your newly imported OpenSearch dashboards, saved searches, and visualizations.


If any visualization or dashboard did not import, the issue is likely a field referenced in the visualization but not indexed in your account. Check that the relevant logs are in the account and refresh the OpenSearch Dashboards mapping.

Sharing objects across versions

Your saved and shared objects can only be imported into the following OpenSearch Dashboards versions:

  • The same release version
  • A newer minor version on the same major version
  • The next major version

Exported shared objects are not backward compatible and thus can’t be imported into an older version of OpenSearch Dashboards.