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Regions maintains clusters worldwide so that it can host your account in a region that is closest to you.

You'll need to know your account's region to configure shippers to send data to It is also important if you're using the API.

All services related to your account are hosted in the same region. This means you'll ship logs, sign in, and access the API from the same region as your account.

How to look up your account region

You can find your account's region by selecting > Settings > General from the top menu. Your two-letter region code is at the start of the region designation.

Another option is to sign in to your account and look at the URL in the address bar.

If you see, your account is hosted in the US East (Northern Virginia). All other regions have a two-letter region code. For example, if you see, then your account is in the Europe (Frankfurt) region.

Available regions


Azure Hosting is now deprecated; however, Azure Shipping and Azure Marketplace remain active and will continue to be supported.

Your listener host and API host will always be in the same region as your account. account hostListener hostAPI hostRegion codeRegion slug
US East (Northern Virginia)AWSapp.logz.iolistener.logz.ioapi.logz.iousus-east-1
Asia Pacific (Sydney)AWSapp-au.logz.iolistener-au.logz.ioapi-au.logz.ioauap-southeast-2
Canada (Central)AWSapp-ca.logz.iolistener-ca.logz.ioapi-ca.logz.iocaca-central-1
Europe (Frankfurt)AWSapp-eu.logz.iolistener-eu.logz.ioapi-eu.logz.ioeueu-central-1
Europe (London)AWSapp-uk.logz.iolistener-uk.logz.ioapi-uk.logz.ioukeu-west-2

OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) regions

When using the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) to send log data to, it’s essential to use the appropriate regional endpoint. This ensures compliance with data residency requirements and enhances performance.

Configure your setup with the correct endpoint URL for your region and include your token in the configuration file. account hostListener hostRegion codeRegion slug
US East (Northern Virginia)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Canada (Central)
Europe (Frankfurt)
Europe (London)

Supported regions for Prometheus metrics

Your listener host and API host will always be in the same region as your Prometheus metrics account. account hostListener hostAPI hostRegion codeRegion slug
US East (Northern Virginia)AWSapp.logz.iolistener.logz.ioapi.logz.ious-east-1
Canada (Central)AWSapp-ca.logz.iolistener-ca.logz.ioapi-ca.logz.iocaca-central-1
Europe (Frankfurt)AWSapp-eu.logz.iolistener-eu.logz.ioapi-eu.logz.ioeueu-central-1
Europe (London)AWSapp-uk.logz.iolistener-uk.logz.ioapi-uk.logz.ioukeu-west-2