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Warm Tier

Warm tier is a storage option designed for data that is not frequently accessed but still needs to be readily available for analysis and troubleshooting. It provides a practical solution for mid-term storage ensuring you can retrieve historical data when required.


Warm tier configuration can be set up by contacting the Sales team.

Data gets to warm only after it's been to hot. All hot data goes to warm data according to the retention period configured by you. When you enable Warm Tier, the retention minimum for Hot tier is 4 days.

Setting Up the Warm Tier

Once Warm Tier has been enabled on your account, you can assign it to one or more of your sub-accounts. To do so, navigate to Manage Accounts, select the sub account you want to configure, choose the desired Warm Tier retention period, and click Apply to save your changes.


Data transitions to the Warm Tier only after stored in the Hot Tier. All Hot Tier data moves to the Warm Tier based on the retention period you configure. When enabling the Warm Tier, the minimum retention period for the Hot Tier is set to 4 days.


Hot tier retention days cannot be changed while the Warm Tier is active.

Accessing Warm Tier Data

After activation, all sub account users can access Warm Tier data only through Explore. Warm Tier is not supported on OpenSearch Dashboards.

Open the time picker, where indicators show the availability of Warm or Hot data.

When querying Warm Tier data, limit the time range, use filters, and focus on key information to improve speed. Warm Tier data has a 5-minute timeout; you'll be notified if retrieval fails.

When selecting a date containing Warm Tier data, a notification will inform you that retrieval may take several minutes. To proceed, confirm your date selection by clicking Apply in the time picker, then click Run Query in the main Explore query bar. This manual step ensures intentional data retrieval, as Warm Tier data may take longer to load and incur additional costs.

warm data activate

While waiting for results, you can navigate away from Explore. You’ll receive an in-app notification once the data is ready.