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Consumption-Based Model's consumption-based model allows you to tailor your budget to cover all your data monitoring needs, including logs, metrics, traces, and SIEM. This approach lets you view and analyze various data types within your account, with charges applied based on the volume of GB and Unique Metrics ingested.

This model allows you to configure quotas on your end, including the maximum amount of data you want ingested per data type. You pay for the data you ingest.

The cost per GB and Unique Metrics depends on your selected pricing plan. You can review the different offerings on’s Pricing page.

Usage and limits

Consumption-based accounts have usage limits that define how much data (GB/UTM) can be ingested per telemetry type (Logs, Metrics, Traces, or SIEM). Instead of reserving a fixed volume of data, your plan is based on a monthly or yearly budget - the total dollar ($) amount allocated for data ingestion.

There are two types of limits in your account:

  • Total daily volume (Sub Account Limit) – Each sub account has an ingestion limit (GB/UTM) that can be adjusted by account admins in the Manage Accounts page. If a sub account reaches its Total daily volume cap, data ingestion will stop until the limit is increased.
  • Account cap (Overall Telemetry Limit) – This is the maximum ingestion limit (GB/UTM) for a specific telemetry type across all sub accounts. Once this limit is reached, ingestion for that telemetry type will be blocked.

To increase the overall account cap, contact the Support team.

Account admins can track both budget and ingestion in Plan and Usage > Usage and Info. The dashboard provides an overview of budget consumption ($ spent), data ingestion (GB/UTM used), and any overages beyond plan limits. Usage data updates once a day.

On-Demand charges apply only when the entire budget has been used.

Manage settings overview

Account admins can view all consumption-related data in the Manage Accounts page.

manage consumption account

The page provides an overview of consumption per telemetry type, including:

  • Usage limit – The daily and total amount of telemetry data you can ingest
  • Retention period
  • Number of sub accounts
  • Overall telemetry limit (Total usage cap)

It also includes a breakdown of accounts and their relevant data.

At the bottom of the panel, you’ll find:

  • Account name
  • Account ID
  • Usage limit – The daily and total (account cap) amount of telemetry data you can ingest
  • Retention period
  • Advanced settings – Displays whether the account can access shared assets, view utilization metrics, and show log size

To add a new account, click Add sub account, then enter the name, usage limits, retention period, and any other required settings. Click Create to finalize the account, which you can then view and edit as needed.

To view and edit other telemetry types, scroll down the page. To view and monitor the budget used, navigate to Plan and Usage > Usage and Info.

Consumption-Based Model - Example

In this example, the budget is $1,000, and the individual unit prices are:

Data typeDescriptionPrice
Open 360 logging ingestionPer 1GB per day$0.10
Open 360 logging index + 7 days hot retentionPer 1GB per day$0.82
Open 360 logging hot retention extensionPer 1GB per day$0.03
Open 360 logging cold tier retentionPer 1GB per day$0.001
Open 360 metrics + 18 months retention1,000 UTM per day$0.40
Open 360 tracesPer 1GB per day$0.92
Open 360 security addonPer 1GB per day$0.35

Based on these prices, the cost is $0.92 per 1GB per day for Open 360 logging index + 7 days hot retention period.

For Open 360 logging index + 30 days hot retention, the cost will be $1.61 per 1GB per day:

$0.10 + $0.82 + ($0.03 x 23) = $1.61

$0.10 for log ingestion, $0.82 for 7 days retention, and $0.69 for the additional 23 days retention.

After one day of use, the budget will be updated accordingly:

Budget used per 1 day:

Data typeData sentPrice per unitBudget used per day
Open 360 logging index + 7 days hot retention2GB$0.92$1.84
Open 360 logging index + 30 days hot retention3GB$1.61$4.83
Open 360 metrics7,000 UTM$0.40$2.8
Open 360 tracing4GB$0.92$3.68
Open 360 security addon5GB$0.35$1.75

At the end of the day, $14.9 was spent, leaving a remaining budget of $985.1.