- log4net
- NLog
- LoggerFactory
- Serilog
- OpenTelemetry
Before you begin, you'll need:
- log4net 2.0.8+.
- .NET Core SDK version 2.0+.
- .NET Framework version 4.6.1+.
Add the dependency
On Windows, navigate to your project folder, and run the following command:
Install-Package Logzio.DotNet.Log4net
On Mac or Linux, open Visual Studio, navigate to Project > Add NuGet Packages..., search and install Logzio.DotNet.Log4net
Configure the appender in a configuration file
Use the sample configuration and edit it according to your needs. View log4net documentation for additional options.
<appender name="LogzioAppender" type="Logzio.DotNet.Log4net.LogzioAppender, Logzio.DotNet.Log4net">
<level value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="LogzioAppender" />
To enable JSON format logging, add the following to your configuration file:
Next, reference the configuration file in your code as shown in the example here.
Run the code:
using System.IO;
using log4net;
using log4net.Config;
using System.Reflection;
namespace dotnet_log4net
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));
var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
// Replace "App.config" with the config file that holds your log4net configuration
XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo("App.config"));
logger.Info("Now I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid");
logger.Info("But the meanest thing he ever did");
logger.Info("Before he left was he went and named me Sue");
Configure the appender in the code
Use the sample configuration and edit it according to your needs. View log4net documentation for additional options.
var hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
var logzioAppender = new LogzioAppender();
hierarchy.Root.Level = Level.All;
hierarchy.Configured = true;
Customize your code by adding the following:
Why? | What? |
Enable proxy routing | logzioAppender.AddProxyAddress("http://your.proxy.com:port"); |
Enable sending logs in JSON format | logzioAppender.ParseJsonMessage(true); |
Enable gzip compression | logzioAppender.AddGzip(true); , logzioAppender.ActivateOptions(); , logzioAppender.JsonKeysCamelCase(false); , logzioAppender.AddTraceContext(false); , logzioAppender.UseStaticHttpClient(false); |
Parameter | Description | Default/Required |
token | Your Logz.io log shipping token securely directs the data to your Logz.io account. Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to. | Required |
listenerUrl | Listener URL and port. Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071. | https://listener.logz.io:8071 |
type | The log type, shipped as type field. Used by Logz.io for consistent parsing. Can't contain spaces. | log4net |
bufferSize | Maximum number of messages the logger will accumulate before sending them all as a bulk. | 100 |
bufferTimeout | Maximum time to wait for more log lines, as hh:mm:ss.fff. | 00:00:05 |
retriesMaxAttempts | Maximum number of attempts to connect to Logz.io. | 3 |
retriesInterval | Time to wait between retries, as hh:mm:ss.fff. | 00:00:02 |
gzip | To compress the data before shipping, true . Otherwise, false . | false |
debug | To print debug messages to the console and trace log, true . Otherwise, false . | false |
parseJsonMessage | To parse your message as JSON format, add this field and set it to true . | false |
proxyAddress | Proxy address to route your logs through. | None |
jsonKeysCamelCase | If you have custom fields keys that start with a capital letter and want to see the fields with a capital letter in Logz.io, set this field to true. | false |
addTraceContext | To add trace context to each log, set this field to true. | false |
useStaticHttpClient | To use the same static HTTP/s client for sending logs, set this field to true. | false |
Custom fields
Add static keys and values to all log messages by including these custom fields under <appender>
, as shown:
<appender name="LogzioAppender" type="Logzio.DotNet.Log4net.LogzioAppender, Logzio.DotNet.Log4net">
<value>New Jerseay B1</value>
Extending the appender
To change or add fields to your logs, inherit the appender and override the ExtendValues
public class MyAppLogzioAppender : LogzioAppender
protected override void ExtendValues(LoggingEvent loggingEvent, Dictionary<string, object> values)
values["logger"] = "MyPrefix." + values["logger"];
values["myAppClientId"] = new ClientIdProvider().Get();
Update your configuration to use the new appender name, such as MyAppLogzioAppender
Add trace context
The Trace Context feature does not support .NET Standard 1.3.
To correlate logs with trace context in OpenTelemetry, set <addTraceContext>true</addTraceContext>
in your configuration file or use logzioAppender.AddTraceContext(true);
in your code. This adds span id
and trace id
to your logs. For example:
using log4net;
using log4net.Core;
using log4net.Repository.Hierarchy;
using Logzio.DotNet.Log4net;
namespace dotnet_log4net
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
var logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));
var logzioAppender = new LogzioAppender();
hierarchy.Configured = true;
hierarchy.Root.Level = Level.All;
logger.Info("Now I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid");
logger.Info("But the meanest thing he ever did");
logger.Info("Before he left was he went and named me Sue");
Serverless platforms
For serverless functions, call the appender's flush method at the end to ensure logs are sent before execution finishes. Create a static appender in Startup.cs with UseStaticHttpClient
set to true
for consistent invocations.
For example:
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using log4net;
using log4net.Repository.Hierarchy;
using Logzio.DotNet.Log4net;
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(LogzioLog4NetSampleApplication.Startup))]
namespace LogzioLog4NetSampleApplication
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
var hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
var logzioAppender = new LogzioAppender();
hierarchy.Configured = true;
using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using log4net;
using MicrosoftLogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger;
namespace LogzioLog4NetSampleApplication
public class TimerTriggerCSharpLog4Net
private static readonly ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TimerTriggerCSharpLog4Net));
public void Run([TimerTrigger("*/30 * * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, MicrosoftLogger msLog)
msLog.LogInformation($"Log4Net C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
logger.Info("Now I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid");
logger.Info("But the meanest thing he ever did");
logger.Info("Before he left was he went and named me Sue");
msLog.LogInformation($"Log4Net C# Timer trigger function finished at: {DateTime.Now}");
Before you begin, you'll need:
- NLog 4.5.0+.
- .NET Core SDK version 2.0+.
- .NET Framework version 4.6.1+.
Add the dependency
On Windows, navigate to your project folder, and run the following command:
Install-Package Logzio.DotNet.NLog
On Mac or Linux, open Visual Studio, navigate to Project > Add NuGet Packages..., search and install Logzio.DotNet.Log4net
Configure the appender in a configuration file
Use the sample configuration and edit it according to your needs. View NLog documentation for additional options.
<add assembly="Logzio.DotNet.NLog"/>
<!-- Parameters are shown with their default values.
Except for the token, all fields are optional and can be omitted. -->
<target name="logzio" type="Logzio"
<!-- Optional proxy server address:
proxyAddress="http://your.proxy.com:port" -->
<!-- parseJsonMessage="true" -->
<!-- useStaticHttpClient="true" -->
<contextproperty name="host" layout="${machinename}" />
<contextproperty name="threadid" layout="${threadid}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="logzio" />
Configure the appender in the code
Use the sample configuration and edit it according to your needs.
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
var logzioTarget = new LogzioTarget {
Name = "Logzio",
LogzioType = "nlog",
ListenerUrl = "<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071",
BufferSize = 100,
BufferTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:05"),
RetriesMaxAttempts = 3,
RetriesInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:02"),
Debug = false,
JsonKeysCamelCase = false,
AddTraceContext = false,
// ParseJsonMessage = true,
// ProxyAddress = "http://your.proxy.com:port",
// UseStaticHttpClient = false,
config.AddRule(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Fatal, logzioTarget);
LogManager.Configuration = config;
Parameter | Description | Default/Required |
token | Your Logz.io log shipping token securely directs the data to your Logz.io account. Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to. | Required |
listenerUrl | Listener URL and port. Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071. | https://listener.logz.io:8071 |
type | The log type, shipped as type field. Used by Logz.io for consistent parsing. Can't contain spaces. | nlog |
bufferSize | Maximum number of messages the logger will accumulate before sending them all as a bulk. | 100 |
bufferTimeout | Maximum time to wait for more log lines, as hh:mm:ss.fff. | 00:00:05 |
retriesMaxAttempts | Maximum number of attempts to connect to Logz.io. | 3 |
retriesInterval | Time to wait between retries, as hh:mm:ss.fff. | 00:00:02 |
debug | To print debug messages to the console and trace log, true . Otherwise, false . | false |
parseJsonMessage | To parse your message as JSON format, add this field and set it to true . | false |
proxyAddress | Proxy address to route your logs through. | None |
jsonKeysCamelCase | If you have custom fields keys that start with a capital letter and want to see the fields with a capital letter in Logz.io, set this field to true. | false |
addTraceContext | To add trace context to each log, set this field to true. | false |
useStaticHttpClient | To use the same static HTTP/s client for sending logs, set this field to true. | false |
Code sample
using System;
using System.IO;
using Logzio.DotNet.NLog;
using NLog;
using NLog.Config;
using NLog.Fluent;
namespace LogzioNLogSampleApplication
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
.Message("If you'll be my bodyguard")
.Property("iCanBe", "your long lost pal")
.Property("iCanCallYou", "Betty, and Betty when you call me")
.Property("youCanCallMe", "Al")
Include context properties
Configure the target to include custom values when forwarding logs to Logz.io. For example:
<variable name="site" value="New Zealand" />
<variable name="rings" value="one" />
<target name="logzio" type="Logzio" token="<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>">
<contextproperty name="site" layout="${site}" />
<contextproperty name="rings" layout="${rings}" />
Extending the appender
To change or add fields to your logs, inherit the appender and override the ExtendValues
public class MyAppLogzioTarget : LogzioTarget
protected override void ExtendValues(LogEventInfo logEvent, Dictionary<string, object> values)
values["logger"] = "MyPrefix." + values["logger"];
values["myAppClientId"] = new ClientIdProvider().Get();
Update your configuration to use the new appender name, such as MyAppLogzio
JSON Layout
When using JsonLayout
, set the attribute name to something other than 'message'. For example:
<layout type="JsonLayout" includeAllProperties="true">
<attribute name="msg" layout="${message}" encode="false"/>
Add trace context
The Trace Context feature does not support .NET Standard 1.3.
To correlate logs with trace context in OpenTelemetry (auto or manual), set addTraceContext="true"
in your configuration file or AddTraceContext = true
in your code. This adds span id
and trace id
to your logs. For example:
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
// Replace these parameters with your configuration
var logzioTarget = new LogzioTarget {
Name = "Logzio",
LogzioType = "nlog",
ListenerUrl = "<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071",
BufferSize = 100,
BufferTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:05"),
RetriesMaxAttempts = 3,
RetriesInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:02"),
Debug = false,
JsonKeysCamelCase = false,
AddTraceContext = true,
// ParseJsonMessage = true,
// ProxyAddress = "http://your.proxy.com:port"
config.AddRule(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Fatal, logzioTarget);
LogManager.Configuration = config;
Serverless platforms
For serverless functions, call the appender's flush method at the end to ensure logs are sent before execution finishes. Create a static appender in Startup.cs with UseStaticHttpClient
flag set to true
for consistent invocations.
Azure serverless function code sample
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Logzio.DotNet.NLog;
using NLog;
using NLog.Config;
using System;
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(LogzioNLogSampleApplication.Startup))]
namespace LogzioNLogSampleApplication
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
// Replace these parameters with your configuration
var logzioTarget = new LogzioTarget
Name = "Logzio",
LogzioType = "nlog",
ListenerUrl = "https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071",
BufferSize = 100,
BufferTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:05"),
RetriesMaxAttempts = 3,
RetriesInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:02"),
Debug = false,
JsonKeysCamelCase = false,
AddTraceContext = false,
UseStaticHttpClient = true,
// ParseJsonMessage = true,
// ProxyAddress = "http://your.proxy.com:port",
config.AddRule(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal, logzioTarget);
LogManager.Configuration = config;
using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using NLog;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using MicrosoftLogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger;
namespace LogzioNLogSampleApplication
public class TimerTriggerCSharpNLog
private static readonly Logger nLog = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public void Run([TimerTrigger("*/30 * * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, MicrosoftLogger msLog)
msLog.LogInformation($"NLogzio C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
nLog.WithProperty("iCanBe", "your long lost pal")
.WithProperty("iCanCallYou", "Betty, and Betty when you call me")
.WithProperty("youCanCallMe", "Al")
.Info("If you'll be my bodyguard");
// Call Flush method before function trigger finishes
Before you begin, you'll need:
- log4net 2.0.8+.
- .NET Core SDK version 2.0+.
- .NET Framework version 4.6.1+.
Add the dependency
On Windows, navigate to your project folder, and run the following command:
Install-Package Logzio.DotNet.Log4net
Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net.AspNetCore
On Mac or Linux, open Visual Studio, navigate to Project > Add NuGet Packages..., search and install Logzio.DotNet.Log4net and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net.AspNetCore
Configure the appender in a configuration file
Use the sample configuration and edit it according to your needs. View log4net documentation for additional options.
<appender name="LogzioAppender" type="Logzio.DotNet.Log4net.LogzioAppender, Logzio.DotNet.Log4net">
<level value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="LogzioAppender" />
Configure the appender in the code
Use the sample configuration and edit it according to your needs. View log4net documentation for additional options.
var hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
var logzioAppender = new LogzioAppender();
hierarchy.Root.Level = Level.All;
hierarchy.Configured = true;
Customize your code by adding the following:
Why? | What? |
Enable proxy routing | logzioAppender.AddProxyAddress("http://your.proxy.com:port"); |
Enable gzip compression | logzioAppender.AddGzip(true); , logzioAppender.ActivateOptions(); , logzioAppender.JsonKeysCamelCase(false); , logzioAppender.AddTraceContext(false); , logzioAppender.UseStaticHttpClient(false); |
Parameter | Description | Default/Required |
token | Logz.io log shipping token securely directs the data to your Logz.io account. Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to. | Required |
listenerUrl | Listener URL and port. Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071. | https://listener.logz.io:8071 |
type | The log type, shipped as type field. Used by Logz.io for consistent parsing. Can't contain spaces. | log4net |
bufferSize | Maximum number of messages the logger will accumulate before sending them all in bulk. | 100 |
bufferTimeout | Maximum time to wait for more log lines, as hh:mm:ss.fff. | 00:00:05 |
retriesMaxAttempts | Maximum number of attempts to connect to Logz.io. | 3 |
retriesInterval | Time to wait between retries, as hh:mm:ss.fff. | 00:00:02 |
gzip | To compress the data before shipping, true . Otherwise, false . | false |
debug | To print debug messages to the console and trace log, true . Otherwise, false . | false |
parseJsonMessage | To parse your message as JSON format, add this field and set it to true . | false |
proxyAddress | Proxy address to route your logs through. | None |
jsonKeysCamelCase | If you have custom fields keys that start with capital letter and want to see the fields with capital letter in Logz.io, set this field to true. | false |
addTraceContext | To add trace context to each log, set this field to true. | false |
useStaticHttpClient | To use the same static HTTP/s client for sending logs, set this field to true. | false |
Update Startup.cs file in Configure method to include the Log4Net middleware as in the code below.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
In the Controller, add Data Member and Constructor, as in the code below.
private readonly ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
public ExampleController(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, ...)
_loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
In the Controller methods:
public ActionResult ExampleMethod()
var logger = _loggerFactory.CreateLogger<ExampleController>();
var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
// Replace "App.config" with the config file that holds your log4net configuration
XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo("log4net.config"));
logger.LogInformation("Is it me you looking for?");
return Ok();
.NET Core Desktop Application
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using log4net;
using log4net.Config;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace LoggerFactoryAppender
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();
var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
// Replace "App.config" with the config file that holds your log4net configuration
XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo("log4net.config"));
logger.LogInformation("Is it me you looking for?");
Custom fields
Add static keys and values to all log messages by including these custom fields under <appender>
, as shown:
<appender name="LogzioAppender" type="Logzio.DotNet.Log4net.LogzioAppender, Logzio.DotNet.Log4net">
<value>New Jerseay B1</value>
Extending the appender
To change or add fields to your logs, inherit the appender and override the ExtendValues
public class MyAppLogzioAppender : LogzioAppender
protected override void ExtendValues(LoggingEvent loggingEvent, Dictionary<string, object> values)
values["logger"] = "MyPrefix." + values["logger"];
values["myAppClientId"] = new ClientIdProvider().Get();
Update your configuration to use the new appender name, such as MyAppLogzioAppender
Add trace context
The Trace Context feature does not support .NET Standard 1.3.
To correlate logs with trace context in OpenTelemetry (auto or manual), set addTraceContext="true"
in your configuration file or AddTraceContext = true
in your code. This adds span id
and trace id
to your logs. For example:
var hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
var logzioAppender = new LogzioAppender();
hierarchy.Root.Level = Level.All;
hierarchy.Configured = true;
Customize your code by adding the following:
Why? | What? |
Enable proxy routing | logzioAppender.AddProxyAddress("http://your.proxy.com:port"); |
Enable sending logs in JSON format | logzioAppender.ParseJsonMessage(true); |
Enable gzip compression | logzioAppender.AddGzip(true); , logzioAppender.ActivateOptions(); , logzioAppender.JsonKeysCamelCase(false); |
Serverless platforms
For serverless functions, call the appender's flush method at the end to ensure logs are sent before execution finishes. Create a static appender in Startup.cs with UseStaticHttpClient
set to true
for consistent invocations.
Azure serverless function code sample
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using log4net;
using log4net.Config;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System;
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(LogzioLoggerFactorySampleApplication.Startup))]
namespace LogzioLoggerFactorySampleApplication
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public static ILoggerFactory LoggerFactory { get; set; }
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
string functionAppDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsScriptRoot");
// Configure log4net here
XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo(Path.Combine(functionAppDirectory, "log4net.config")));
var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
loggerFactory.AddLog4Net(Path.Combine(functionAppDirectory, "log4net.config")); // Use the log4net.config in the function app root directory
LoggerFactory = loggerFactory;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using log4net;
using System;
namespace LogzioLoggerFactorySampleApplication
public class TimerTriggerCSharpLoggerFactory
private readonly ILogger _logger = Startup.LoggerFactory.CreateLogger<TimerTriggerCSharpLoggerFactory>();
public void Run([TimerTrigger("*/30 * * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer)
_logger.LogInformation($"LoggerFactory C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
_logger.LogInformation("Is it me you looking for?");
_logger.LogInformation($"LoggerFactory C# Timer trigger function finished at: {DateTime.Now}");
This integration is based on Serilog.Sinks.Logz.Io repository. Refer to this repo for further usage and settings information.
Before you begin, you'll need:
- .NET Core SDK version 2.0+.
- .NET Framework version 4.6.1+.
Install the Logz.io Serilog sink
Install Serilog.Sinks.Logz.Io
via Nuget or by running this command in the Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package Serilog.Sinks.Logz.Io
Configure the sink in a configuration file
Create an appsettings.json
file and copy this configuration:
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": "Warning",
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "LogzIoDurableHttp",
"Args": {
"requestUri": "https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071/?type=<<TYPE>>&token=<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071.
Replace <<TYPE>>
with the log type to identify these logs in Logz.io.
Add the following code to use the configuration and create logs with Serilog.Settings.Configuration
and Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Serilog;
namespace Example
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
logger.Information("Hello. Is it me you looking for?");
Thread.Sleep(5000); // gives the log enough time to be sent to Logz.io
Run the code:
using System.Threading;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Sinks.Logz.Io;
namespace Example
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ILogger logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
logzioTextFormatterOptions: new LogzioTextFormatterOptions
BoostProperties = true,
LowercaseLevel = true,
IncludeMessageTemplate = true,
FieldNaming = LogzIoTextFormatterFieldNaming.CamelCase,
EventSizeLimitBytes = 261120,
logger.Information("Hello. Is it me you looking for?");
Thread.Sleep(5000); // gives the log enough time to be sent to Logz.io
Serverless platforms
For serverless function, create a static appender in Startup.cs to ensure each invocation uses the same appender. For Serilog integration, use WriteTo.LogzIo()
instead of WriteTo.LogzIoDurableHttp()
for in-memory buffering, which is best for serverless functions.
Azure serverless function code sample
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Sinks.Logz.Io;
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(LogzioSerilogSampleApplication.Startup))]
namespace LogzioSerilogSampleApplication
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
var logzioLogger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.LogzIo("<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>", "serilog", dataCenterSubDomain: "listener", useHttps: true)
// Assign the logger to the static Log class
Log.Logger = logzioLogger;
using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Serilog;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using MicrosoftLogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger;
using Serilogger = Serilog.ILogger;
using System.Threading;
namespace LogzioSerilogSampleApplication
public class TimerTriggerCSharpSeriLogzio
private static readonly Serilogger logzioLogger = Log.Logger;
public void Run([TimerTrigger("*/30 * * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, MicrosoftLogger msLog)
msLog.LogInformation($"Serilog C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
logzioLogger.Information("Hello. Is it me you're looking for?");
msLog.LogInformation($"Serilog C# Timer trigger function finished at: {DateTime.Now}");
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071.
Replace <<TYPE>>
with the log type to identify these logs in Logz.io.
This integration uses the OpenTelemetry logging exporter to send logs to Logz.io via the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) listener.
- .NET SDK 6+
- An ASP.NET Core application
- An active account with Logz.io
If you need an example application to test this integration, please refer to our .NET OpenTelemetry repository.
Configure the instrumentation
Add the packages
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocolSetup the OpenTelemetry code in
, by adding the following lines:using OpenTelemetry;
using OpenTelemetry.Logs;
using OpenTelemetry.Resources;
using OpenTelemetry.Exporter;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
const string serviceName = "YOUR-SERVICE-NAME";
const string logzioEndpoint = "https://otlp-listener.logz.io/v1/logs";
const string logzioToken = "<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>";
builder.Logging.AddOpenTelemetry(options =>
.AddOtlpExporter(otlpOptions =>
otlpOptions.Endpoint = new Uri(logzioEndpoint);
otlpOptions.Headers = $"Authorization=Bearer {logzioToken}, user-agent=logzio-dotnet-logs-otlp";
otlpOptions.Protocol = OtlpExportProtocol.HttpProtobuf;
var app = builder.Build();Replace
with the required service name.Your Logz.io log shipping token directs the data securely to your Logz.io Log Management account. The default token is auto-populated in the examples when you're logged into the Logz.io app as an Admin. Manage your tokens.
Update the
part inhttps://otlp-listener.logz.io/v1/logs
with the URL for your hosting region.Run your application.
Check Logz.io for your logs
Allow some time for data ingestion, then open Open Search Dashboards.
Encounter an issue? See our log shipping troubleshooting guide.
- Kubernetes
Helm manages packages of preconfigured Kubernetes resources using Charts. This integration allows you to collect and ship diagnostic metrics of your .NET application in Kubernetes to Logz.io, using dotnet-monitor and OpenTelemetry. logzio-dotnet-monitor runs as a sidecar in the same pod as the .NET application.
Sending metrics from nodes with taints
To ship metrics from nodes with taints, ensure the taint key values are included in your DaemonSet/Deployment configuration as follows:
- key:
To determine if a node uses taints as well as to display the taint keys, run:
kubectl get nodes -o json | jq ".items[]|{name:.metadata.name, taints:.spec.taints}"
You need to use Helm
client with version v3.9.0
or above.
Standard configuration
1. Select the namespace
This integration deploys to the namespace specified in values.yaml. The default is logzio-dotnet-monitor.
To use a different namespace, run:
kubectl create namespace <<NAMESPACE>>
- Replace
with the name of your namespace.
2. Add logzio-helm
helm repo add logzio-helm https://logzio.github.io/logzio-helm
helm repo update
3. Run the Helm deployment code
helm install -n <<NAMESPACE>> \
--set secrets.logzioURL='<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8053' \
--set secrets.logzioToken='<<PROMETHEUS-METRICS-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>' \
--set-file dotnetAppContainers='<<DOTNET_APP_CONTAINERS_FILE>>' \
logzio-dotnet-monitor logzio-helm/logzio-dotnet-monitor
- Replace
with the namespace you selected for this integration. The default value isdefault
. Replace<<LISTENER-HOST>>
with the host for your region. Replace<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>
with the token of the account you want to ship to. - Replace
with your .NET application containers file. Make sure your main .NET application container has the following volumeMount:
- mountPath: /tmp
name: diagnostics
4. Check Logz.io for your metrics
Allow some time for data ingestion, then open Logz.io. Search for your metrics in Logz.io by searching {job="dotnet-monitor-collector"}
Install the pre-built dashboard to enhance the observability of your metrics.
To view the metrics on the main dashboard, log in to your Logz.io Metrics account, and open the Logz.io Metrics tab.
Customizing Helm chart parameters
Configure customization options
Update the Helm chart parameters using the following options:
Specify parameters using the
--set key=value[,key=value]
argument tohelm install
or--set-file key=value[,key=value]
Edit the
Override default values with your own
and apply it in thehelm install
Customization parameters
Parameter | Description | Default |
nameOverride | Overrides the Chart name for resources. | "" |
fullnameOverride | Overrides the full name of the resources. | "" |
apiVersions.deployment | Deployment API version. | apps/v1 |
apiVersions.configmap | Configmap API version. | v1 |
apiVersions.secret | Secret API version. | v1 |
namespace | Chart's namespace. | logzio-dotnet-monitor |
replicaCount | The number of replicated pods, the deployment creates. | 1 |
labels | Pod's labels. | {} |
annotations | Pod's annotations. | {} |
customSpecs | Custom spec fields to add to the deployment. | {} |
dotnetAppContainers | List of your .NET application containers to add to the pod. | [] |
logzioDotnetMonitor.name | The name of the container that collects and ships diagnostic metrics of your .NET application to Logz.io (sidecar) | logzio-dotnet-monitor |
logzioDotnetMonitor.image.name | Name of the image that is going to run in logzioDotnetMonitor.name container | logzio/logzio-dotnet-monitor |
logzioDotnetMonitor.image.tag | The tag of the image that is going to run in logzioDotnetMonitor.name container | latest |
logzioDotnetMonitor.ports | List of ports the logzioDotnetMonitor.name container exposes | 52325 |
tolerations | List of tolerations to apply to the pod. | [] |
customVolumes | List of custom volumes to add to deployment. | [] |
customResources | Custom resources to add to helm chart deployment (make sure to separate each resource with --- ). | {} |
secrets.logzioURL | Secret with your Logz.io listener url. | https://listener.logz.io:8053 |
secrets.logzioToken | Secret with your Logz.io metrics shipping token. | "" |
configMap.dotnetMonitor | The dotnet-monitor configuration. | See values.yaml. |
configMap.opentelemetry | The opentelemetry configuration. | See values.yaml. |
- To get additional information about dotnet-monitor configuration, click here.
- To see well-known providers and their counters, click here.
Uninstalling the Chart
To remove all Kubernetes components associated with the chart and delete the release, use the uninstall command.
To uninstall the dotnet-monitor-collector
deployment, run:
helm uninstall dotnet-monitor-collector
Encounter an issue? See our .NET with helm troubleshooting guide.
Send custom metrics from your .NET Core application using Logzio.App.Metrics, an open-source, cross-platform .NET library for recording metrics and forwarding them to Logz.io.
These instructions show you how to:
- Create a basic custom metrics export configuration with a hardcoded Logz.io exporter.
- Create a basic custom metrics export configuration with a Logz.io exporter defined by a configuration file.
- Add advanced settings to the basic custom metrics export configuration.
Send custom metrics with a hardcoded Logz.io exporter
Before you begin, you'll need:
- An application in .NET Core 3.1+.
- An active Logz.io account.
1. Install the App.Metrics.Logzio package
Run the following from the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Logzio.App.Metrics
For manual installation, download the latest version from the NuGet Gallery.
2. Create MetricsBuilder
Copy and paste the following code into the function where you need to export metrics:
var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
.Report.ToLogzioHttp("<<LISTENER-HOST>>:<<PORT>>", "<<METRICS-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>")
with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071. For HTTPS communication, use port 8053. For HTTP communication, use port 8052.
with a token for the Metrics account you want to ship to. Look up your Metrics token.
3. Create Scheduler
To create the Scheduler, add the following code into the same function as the MetricsBuilder:
var scheduler = new AppMetricsTaskScheduler(
async () => { await Task.WhenAll(metrics.ReportRunner.RunAllAsync()); });
4. Add required metrics to your code
- Apdex (Application Performance Index) - Monitors end-user satisfaction.
- Counter - Tracks the number of times an event occurs.
- Gauge - Provides an instantaneous measurement of a value that can arbitrarily increase or decrease (e.g., CPU usage).
- Histogram - Measures the statistical distribution of a set of values.
- Meter - Measures the rate of event occurrences and the total count.
- Timer - Combines a histogram and meter to measure event duration, rate of occurrence, and duration statistics.
To use Logzio.App.Metrics, you must include at least one of the above metrics in your code.
For example, to add a counter metric, insert the following code block into the same function as the MetricsBuilder and Scheduler:
var counter = new CounterOptions {Name = "my_counter", Tags = new MetricTags("test", "my_test")};
In the example above, the metric has a name ("my_counter"), a tag key ("test") and a tag value ("my_test"): These parameters are used to query data from this metric in your Logz.io dashboard.
5. View your metrics
Run your application to start sending metrics to Logz.io.
Allow some time for data ingestion, then check your Metrics dashboard.
Filter metrics by labels
Once the metrics are in Logz.io, you can query them using labels. Each metric includes the following labels:
App Metrics parameter name | Description | Logz.io parameter name |
Name | The name of the metric. Required for each metric. | Metric name if not stated otherwise |
MeasurementUnit | The unit you use to measure. By default it is None . | unit |
Context | The context which the metric belong to. By default it is Application . | context |
Tags | Pairs of key and value of the metric. It is not required to have tags for a metric. | Tags keys |
Some of the metrics have custom labels, as described below.
App Metrics label name | Logz.io label name |
RateUnit | rate_unit |
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Count | [[your_meter_name]]_count |
One Min Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_one_min_rate |
Five Min Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_five_min_rate |
Fifteen Min Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_fifteen_min_rate |
Mean Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_mean_rate |
Replace [[your_meter_name]] with the name that you assigned to the meter metric.
App Metrics label name | Logz.io label name |
Last User Value | last_user_value |
Max User Value | max_user_value |
Min User Value | min_user_value |
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Count | [[your_histogram_name]]_count |
Sum | [[your_histogram_name]]_sum |
Last Value | [[your_histogram_name]]_lastValue |
Max | [[your_histogram_name]]_max |
Mean | [[your_histogram_name]]_mean |
Median | [[your_histogram_name]]_median |
Min | [[your_histogram_name]]_min |
Percentile 75 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile75 |
Percentile 95 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile95 |
Percentile 98 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile98 |
Percentile 99 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile99 |
Percentile 999 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile999 |
Sample Size | [[your_histogram_name]]_sample_size |
Std Dev | [[your_histogram_name]]_std_dev |
Replace [[your_histogram_name]] with the name that you assigned to the histogram metric.
App Metrics label name | Logz.io label name |
Duration Unit | duration_unit |
Rate Unit | rate_unit |
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Count | [[your_timer_name]]_count |
Histogram Active Session | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_active_session |
Histogram Sum | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_sum |
Histogram Last Value | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_lastValue |
Histogram Max | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_max |
Histogram Median | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_median |
Histogram Percentile 75 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile75 |
Histogram Percentile 95 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile95 |
Histogram Percentile 98 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile98 |
Histogram Percentile 99 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile99 |
Histogram Percentile 999 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile999 |
Histogram Sample Size | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_sample_size |
Histogram Std Dev | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_std_dev |
Rate One Min Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_one_min_rate |
Rate Five Min Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_five_min_rate |
Rate Fifteen Min Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_fifteen_min_rate |
Rate Mean Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_mean_rate |
Replace [[your_timer_name]] with the name that you assigned to the timer metric.
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Sample Size | [[your_apdex_name]]_sample_size |
Score | [[your_apdex_name]]_score |
Frustrating | [[your_apdex_name]]_frustrating |
Satisfied | [[your_apdex_name]]_satisfied |
Tolerating | [[your_apdex_name]]_tolerating |
Replace [[your_apdex_name]] with the name that you assigned to the timer metric.
Encounter an issue? See our .NET core troubleshooting guide.
Send custom metrics with a Logz.io exporter defined by a config file
Before you begin, you'll need:
- An application in .NET Core 3.1+.
- An active Logz.io account.
1. Install the App.Metrics.Logzio package
Run the following from the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Logzio.App.Metrics
For manual installation, download the latest version from the NuGet Gallery.
2. Create MetricsBuilder
Copy and paste the following code into the function where you need to export metrics:
var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
Add the following to the configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Endpoint> <<LISTENER-HOST>> </Endpoint>
with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071. For HTTPS communication, use port 8053. For HTTP communication, use port 8052.
with a token for the Metrics account you want to ship to. Look up your Metrics token.
3. Create Scheduler
Copy and paste the following code into the same function as the MetricsBuilder:
var scheduler = new AppMetricsTaskScheduler(
async () => { await Task.WhenAll(metrics.ReportRunner.RunAllAsync()); });
4. Add the required metrics to your code
- Apdex (Application Performance Index) - Monitors end-user satisfaction.
- Counter - Tracks the number of times an event occurs.
- Gauge - Provides an instantaneous measurement of a value that can arbitrarily increase or decrease (e.g., CPU usage).
- Histogram - Measures the statistical distribution of a set of values.
- Meter - Measures the rate of event occurrences and the total count.
- Timer - Combines a histogram and meter to measure event duration, rate of occurrence, and duration statistics.
To use Logzio.App.Metrics, you must include at least one of the above metrics in your code.
For example, to add a counter metric, insert the following code block into the same function as the MetricsBuilder and Scheduler:
var counter = new CounterOptions {Name = "my_counter", Tags = new MetricTags("test", "my_test")};
In the example above, the metric has a name ("my_counter"), a tag key ("test") and a tag value ("my_test"). These parameters are used to query data from this metric in your Logz.io dashboard.
5. View your metrics
Run your application to start sending metrics to Logz.io.
Allow some time for data ingestion, then check your Metrics dashboard.
Filter metrics by labels
Once the metrics are in Logz.io, you can query them using labels. Each metric includes the following labels:
App Metrics parameter name | Description | Logz.io parameter name |
Name | The name of the metric. Required for each metric. | Metric name if not stated otherwise |
MeasurementUnit | The unit you use to measure. By default it is None . | unit |
Context | The context which the metric belong to. By default it is Application . | context |
Tags | Pairs of key and value of the metric. It is not required to have tags for a metric. | Tags keys |
Some of the metrics have custom labels as described below.
App Metrics label name | Logz.io label name |
RateUnit | rate_unit |
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Count | [[your_meter_name]]_count |
One Min Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_one_min_rate |
Five Min Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_five_min_rate |
Fifteen Min Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_fifteen_min_rate |
Mean Rate | [[your_meter_name]]_mean_rate |
Replace [[your_meter_name]] with the name that you assigned to the meter metric.
App Metrics label name | Logz.io label name |
Last User Value | last_user_value |
Max User Value | max_user_value |
Min User Value | min_user_value |
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Count | [[your_histogram_name]]_count |
Sum | [[your_histogram_name]]_sum |
Last Value | [[your_histogram_name]]_lastValue |
Max | [[your_histogram_name]]_max |
Mean | [[your_histogram_name]]_mean |
Median | [[your_histogram_name]]_median |
Min | [[your_histogram_name]]_min |
Percentile 75 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile75 |
Percentile 95 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile95 |
Percentile 98 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile98 |
Percentile 99 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile99 |
Percentile 999 | [[your_histogram_name]]_percentile999 |
Sample Size | [[your_histogram_name]]_sample_size |
Std Dev | [[your_histogram_name]]_std_dev |
Replace [[your_histogram_name]] with the name that you assigned to the histogram metric.
App Metrics label name | Logz.io label name |
Duration Unit | duration_unit |
Rate Unit | rate_unit |
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Count | [[your_timer_name]]_count |
Histogram Active Session | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_active_session |
Histogram Sum | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_sum |
Histogram Last Value | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_lastValue |
Histogram Max | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_max |
Histogram Median | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_median |
Histogram Percentile 75 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile75 |
Histogram Percentile 95 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile95 |
Histogram Percentile 98 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile98 |
Histogram Percentile 99 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile99 |
Histogram Percentile 999 | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_percentile999 |
Histogram Sample Size | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_sample_size |
Histogram Std Dev | [[your_timer_name]]_histogram_std_dev |
Rate One Min Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_one_min_rate |
Rate Five Min Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_five_min_rate |
Rate Fifteen Min Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_fifteen_min_rate |
Rate Mean Rate | [[your_timer_name]]_rate_mean_rate |
Replace [[your_timer_name]] with the name that you assigned to the timer metric.
App Metrics parameter name | Logz.io parameter name |
Sample Size | [[your_apdex_name]]_sample_size |
Score | [[your_apdex_name]]_score |
Frustrating | [[your_apdex_name]]_frustrating |
Satisfied | [[your_apdex_name]]_satisfied |
Tolerating | [[your_apdex_name]]_tolerating |
Replace [[your_apdex_name]] with the name that you assigned to the apdex metric.
Encounter an issue? See our .NET core troubleshooting guide.
Export using ToLogzioHttp exporter
You can configure MetricsBuilder to use ToLogzioHttp exporter, which allows you to export metrics via HTTP using additional export settings. Add the following code block to define the MetricsBuilder:
var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
.Report.ToLogzioHttp(options =>
options.Logzio.EndpointUri = new Uri("<<LISTENER-HOST>>:<<PORT>>");
options.Logzio.Token = "<<METRICS-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>";
options.FlushInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
options.Filter = new MetricsFilter().WhereType(MetricType.Counter);
options.HttpPolicy.BackoffPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
options.HttpPolicy.FailuresBeforeBackoff = 5;
options.HttpPolicy.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
- Replace
with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071. For HTTPS communication use port 8053. For HTTP communication use port 8052. - Replace
with a token for the Metrics account you want to ship to. Look up your Metrics token. FlushInterval
is the value in seconds defining delay between reporting metrics.Filter
is used to filter metrics for this reporter.HttpPolicy.BackoffPeriod
is the value in seconds defining theTimeSpan
to back-off when metrics are failing to report to the metrics ingress endpoint.HttpPolicy.FailuresBeforeBackoff
is the value defining the number of failures before backing-off when metrics are failing to report to the metrics ingress endpoint.HttpPolicy.Timeout
is the value in seconds defining the HTTP timeout duration when attempting to report metrics to the metrics ingress endpoint.
.NET Core runtime metrics
The runtime metrics include additional parameters sent from your code, such as:
- Garbage collection frequencies, timings by generation/type, pause timings, and GC CPU consumption ratio.
- Heap size by generation.
- Bytes allocated by small/large object heap.
- JIT compilations and JIT CPU consumption ratio.
- Thread pool size, scheduling delays and reasons for growing/shrinking.
- Lock contention.
To enable the collection of these metrics with default settings, add the following code block after the MetricsBuilder:
// metrics is the MetricsBuilder
IDisposable collector = DotNetRuntimeStatsBuilder.Default(metrics).StartCollecting();
For custom settings, use the following code block after the MetricsBuilder:
IDisposable collector = DotNetRuntimeStatsBuilder
.StartCollecting(metrics); // metrics is the MetricsBuilder
Data collected from these metrics is found in Logz.io, under the Contexts labels process
and dotnet
Get current snapshot
To enable the current snapshot preview of metrics in Logz.io format, add the following code block to the MetricsBuilder:
var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
var snapshot = metrics.Snapshot.Get();
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
await metrics.DefaultOutputMetricsFormatter.WriteAsync(stream, snapshot);
// Your code here...
Encounter an issue? See our .NET core troubleshooting guide.
- ASP.NET Core
- Troubleshooting
Deploy this integration to enable automatic instrumentation of your ASP.NET Core application using OpenTelemetry.
Architecture overview
This integration includes:
- Installing the OpenTelemetry ASP.NET Core instrumentation packages on your application host
- Installing the OpenTelemetry collector with Logz.io exporter
- Running your ASP.NET Core application in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry instrumentation
On deployment, the ASP.NET Core instrumentation automatically captures spans from your application and forwards them to the collector, which exports the data to your Logz.io account.
Setup auto-instrumentation for your locally hosted ASP.NET Core application and send traces to Logz.io
Before you begin, you'll need:
- An ASP.NET Core application without instrumentation
- An active Logz.io account
- Port
available on your host system - A name defined for your tracing service. You will need it to identify the traces in Logz.io.
This integration uses OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib, not the OpenTelemetry Collector Core.
Download instrumentation packages
Run the following command from the application directory:
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting
Enable instrumentation in the code
Add the following configuration to the beginning of the Startup.cs file:
using OpenTelemetry.Resources;
using OpenTelemetry.Trace;
Add the following configuration to the Startup class:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing((builder) => builder
.AddOtlpExporter(options =>
options.Endpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:4317");
Download and configure OpenTelemetry collector
Create a dedicated directory on the host of your ASP.NET Core application and download the OpenTelemetry collector that is relevant to the operating system of your host.
After downloading the collector, create a configuration file config.yaml
with the following parameters:
endpoint: ""
endpoint: ""
account_token: "<<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
name: policy-errors,
type: status_code,
status_code: {status_codes: [ERROR]}
name: policy-slow,
type: latency,
latency: {threshold_ms: 1000}
name: policy-random-ok,
type: probabilistic,
probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 10}
endpoint: :1777
endpoint: :55679
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logzio/traces]
level: info
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Start the collector
Run the following command:
<path/to>/otelcol-contrib --config ./config.yaml
- Replace
with the path to the directory where you downloaded the collector.
Run the application
Run the application to generate traces.
Check Logz.io for your traces
Give your traces some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Tracing.
Setup auto-instrumentation for your ASP.NET Core application using Docker and send traces to Logz.io
This integration enables you to auto-instrument your ASP.NET Core application and run a containerized OpenTelemetry collector to send your traces to Logz.io. If your application also runs in a Docker container, make sure that both the application and collector containers are on the same network.
Before you begin, you'll need:
- An ASP.NET Core application without instrumentation
- An active Logz.io account
- Port
available on your host system - A name defined for your tracing service
Download instrumentation packages
Run the following command from the application directory:
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting
Enable instrumentation in the code
Add the following configuration to the beginning of the Startup.cs file:
using OpenTelemetry.Resources;
using OpenTelemetry.Trace;
Add the following configuration to the Startup class:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing((builder) => builder
.AddOtlpExporter(options =>
options.Endpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:4317");
Pull the Docker image for the OpenTelemetry collector
docker pull otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.111.0
Create a configuration file
Create a file config.yaml
with the following content:
endpoint: ""
endpoint: ""
account_token: "<<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
name: policy-errors,
type: status_code,
status_code: {status_codes: [ERROR]}
name: policy-slow,
type: latency,
latency: {threshold_ms: 1000}
name: policy-random-ok,
type: probabilistic,
probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 10}
endpoint: :1777
endpoint: :55679
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logging, logzio/traces]
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Tail Sampling
defines which traces to sample after all spans in a request are completed. By default, it collects all traces with an error span, traces slower than 1000 ms, and 10% of all other traces.
Additional policy configurations can be added to the processor. For more details, refer to the OpenTelemetry Documentation.
The configurable parameters in the Logz.io default configuration are:
Parameter | Description | Default |
threshold_ms | Threshold for the span latency - traces slower than this value will be included. | 1000 |
sampling_percentage | Percentage of traces to sample using the probabilistic policy. | 10 |
If you already have an OpenTelemetry installation, add the following parameters to the configuration file of your existing OpenTelemetry collector:
- Under the
account_token: <<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
- Under the
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logzio/traces]
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Here is an example configuration file:
account_token: "<<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
name: policy-errors,
type: status_code,
status_code: {status_codes: [ERROR]}
name: policy-slow,
type: latency,
latency: {threshold_ms: 1000}
name: policy-random-ok,
type: probabilistic,
probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 10}
endpoint: :1777
endpoint: :55679
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logzio/traces]
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Run the container
Mount the config.yaml
as volume to the docker run
command and run it as follows.
docker run \
--network host \
-v <PATH-TO>/config.yaml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml \
Replace <PATH-TO>
to the path to the config.yaml
file on your system.
docker run \
-v <PATH-TO>/config.yaml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml \
-p 55678-55680:55678-55680 \
-p 1777:1777 \
-p 9411:9411 \
-p 9943:9943 \
-p 6831:6831 \
-p 6832:6832 \
-p 14250:14250 \
-p 14268:14268 \
-p 4317:4317 \
-p 55681:55681 \
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Run the application
When running the OTEL collector in a Docker container, your application should run in separate containers on the same host network. Ensure all containers share the same network. Using Docker Compose ensures that all containers, including the OTEL collector, share the same network configuration automatically.
Run the application to generate traces.
Check Logz.io for your traces
Give your traces some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Tracing.
Deploy this integration to enable automatic instrumentation of your ASP.NET Core application using OpenTelemetry.
Architecture overview
This integration includes:
- Installing the OpenTelemetry ASP.NET Core instrumentation packages on your application host
- Installing the OpenTelemetry collector with Logz.io exporter
- Running your ASP.NET Core application in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry instrumentation
On deployment, the ASP.NET Core instrumentation automatically captures spans from your application and forwards them to the collector, which exports the data to your Logz.io account.
Setup auto-instrumentation for your locally hosted ASP.NET Core application and send traces to Logz.io
Before you begin, you'll need:
- An ASP.NET Core application without instrumentation
- An active Logz.io account
- Port
available on your host system - A name defined for your tracing service. You will need it to identify the traces in Logz.io.
This integration uses OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib, not the OpenTelemetry Collector Core.
Download instrumentation packages
Run the following command from the application directory:
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting
Enable instrumentation in the code
Add the following configuration to the beginning of the Startup.cs file:
using OpenTelemetry.Resources;
using OpenTelemetry.Trace;
Add the following configuration to the Startup class:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing((builder) => builder
.AddOtlpExporter(options =>
options.Endpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:4317");
Download and configure OpenTelemetry collector
Create a dedicated directory on the host of your ASP.NET Core application and download the OpenTelemetry collector that is relevant to the operating system of your host.
After downloading the collector, create a configuration file config.yaml
with the following parameters:
endpoint: ""
endpoint: ""
account_token: "<<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
name: policy-errors,
type: status_code,
status_code: {status_codes: [ERROR]}
name: policy-slow,
type: latency,
latency: {threshold_ms: 1000}
name: policy-random-ok,
type: probabilistic,
probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 10}
endpoint: :1777
endpoint: :55679
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logzio/traces]
level: info
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Start the collector
Run the following command:
<path/to>/otelcol-contrib --config ./config.yaml
- Replace
with the path to the directory where you downloaded the collector.
Run the application
Run the application to generate traces.
Check Logz.io for your traces
Give your traces some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Tracing.
Setup auto-instrumentation for your ASP.NET Core application using Docker and send traces to Logz.io
This integration enables you to auto-instrument your ASP.NET Core application and run a containerized OpenTelemetry collector to send your traces to Logz.io. If your application also runs in a Docker container, make sure that both the application and collector containers are on the same network.
Before you begin, you'll need:
- An ASP.NET Core application without instrumentation
- An active Logz.io account
- Port
available on your host system - A name defined for your tracing service
Download instrumentation packages
Run the following command from the application directory:
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting
Enable instrumentation in the code
Add the following configuration to the beginning of the Startup.cs file:
using OpenTelemetry.Resources;
using OpenTelemetry.Trace;
Add the following configuration to the Startup class:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing((builder) => builder
.AddOtlpExporter(options =>
options.Endpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:4317");
Pull the Docker image for the OpenTelemetry collector
docker pull otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.111.0
Create a configuration file
Create a file config.yaml
with the following content:
endpoint: ""
endpoint: ""
account_token: "<<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
name: policy-errors,
type: status_code,
status_code: {status_codes: [ERROR]}
name: policy-slow,
type: latency,
latency: {threshold_ms: 1000}
name: policy-random-ok,
type: probabilistic,
probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 10}
endpoint: :1777
endpoint: :55679
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logging, logzio/traces]
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Tail Sampling
defines which traces to sample after all spans in a request are completed. By default, it collects all traces with an error span, traces slower than 1000 ms, and 10% of all other traces.
Additional policy configurations can be added to the processor. For more details, refer to the OpenTelemetry Documentation.
The configurable parameters in the Logz.io default configuration are:
Parameter | Description | Default |
threshold_ms | Threshold for the span latency - traces slower than this value will be included. | 1000 |
sampling_percentage | Percentage of traces to sample using the probabilistic policy. | 10 |
If you already have an OpenTelemetry installation, add the following parameters to the configuration file of your existing OpenTelemetry collector:
- Under the
account_token: <<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
- Under the
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logzio/traces]
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Here is an example configuration file:
account_token: "<<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
user-agent: logzio-opentelemetry-traces
name: policy-errors,
type: status_code,
status_code: {status_codes: [ERROR]}
name: policy-slow,
type: latency,
latency: {threshold_ms: 1000}
name: policy-random-ok,
type: probabilistic,
probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 10}
endpoint: :1777
endpoint: :55679
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [logzio/traces]
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Run the container
Mount the config.yaml
as volume to the docker run
command and run it as follows.
docker run \
--network host \
-v <PATH-TO>/config.yaml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml \
Replace <PATH-TO>
to the path to the config.yaml
file on your system.
docker run \
-v <PATH-TO>/config.yaml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml \
-p 55678-55680:55678-55680 \
-p 1777:1777 \
-p 9411:9411 \
-p 9943:9943 \
-p 6831:6831 \
-p 6832:6832 \
-p 14250:14250 \
-p 14268:14268 \
-p 4317:4317 \
-p 55681:55681 \
with the token of the account you want to ship to.
with the applicable region code.
Run the application
When running the OTEL collector in a Docker container, your application should run in separate containers on the same host network. Ensure all containers share the same network. Using Docker Compose ensures that all containers, including the OTEL collector, share the same network configuration automatically.
Run the application to generate traces.
Check Logz.io for your traces
Give your traces some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Tracing.
OpenTelemetry instrumentation
Encounter an issue? See our OpenTelemetry troubleshooting guide.