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Get the list of Insights



Get the list of Insights that match your search criteria.

Whenever a new Insight is detected, it receives an Insight ID and is tracked for as long as it recurs. The lookback period for Insights is 6 months.

Note: This endpoint requires permissions that must be set by our Support team. Please email for assistance.



    startDate int64

    UNIX timestamp in milliseconds specifying the start date for the query time frame. By default, returns the past 15 minutes ("now - 15 minutes" translated into a UNIX timestamp).

    endDate int64

    UNIX timestamp in milliseconds specifying the end date for the query time frame. By default, returns the current time ("now" translated into a UNIX timestamp).

    from int32

    Of the results found, the first result to return. Must be a non-negative integer.

    size int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Default value: 10

    Number of results to return. Must be a positive integer between 1-100.

    insightTypes string[]

    Possible values: [PUBLIC_CI, LOGCEPTION]

    Default value: PUBLIC_CI,LOGCEPTION

    Filters results by Insight type. LOGCEPTION filters for application insights. PUBLIC_CI filters for Cognitive Insights.

    tagNames string[]

    Filters results by the tag values used to categorize Insights.

    logTypes string[]

    Filters results by log type.

    onlyNew boolean

    Default value: false

    Filters for Insights that first occurred in the selected time frame. In other words, excludes Insights that were first identified before or after the selected time range.

    sortBy string


    Default value: COUNT

    Sorts Insights by the selected parameters.

    asc boolean

    Default value: false

    If false, sorts Insights in descending order. The order depends on the selected sortBy paramater.

    search string

    Searches for an Insight by its title.


successful operation

    pageSize int32

    Possible values: <= 500

    Number of results to return per page. Must be a positive integer between 0-500.

    from int32

    Possible values: <= 2147483647

    UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

    total int64

    Possible values: <= 500

    Total number of results found.

    results object[]
  • Array [
  • insightId string

    An ID identifying the Insight in Can be used to track the Insight's occurrence in the environment over time.

    insightType string

    Possible values: [PUBLIC_CI, LOGCEPTION]

    Identifies the type of Insight as either LOGCEPTION (application insights) or PUBLIC_CI (Cognitive Insights).

    tagName string

    Tags applied to the Insight help to categorize it.

    description string

    A helpful description of the issue identified by the Insight. The description is generated by

    links string[]

    Only applicable for PUBLIC_CI Insights. Provides reference links to recommended resources for further investigation of the issue.

    additionalData object

    Only applicable for LOGCEPTION Insights. Provides relevant excerpts from the stacktrace about the exception in question.

    property name* object
    firstOccurrence int64

    UNIX timestamp in milliseconds specifying the earliest appearance of the Insight. The lookback period is up to 6 months.

    lastOccurrence int64

    UNIX timestamp in milliseconds specifying the most recent appearance of the Insight in the selected time frame.

    count int64

    The number of times the Insight occurred during the selected time frame.

    logTypes string[]
    kibanaLink string

    Only applicable for LOGCEPTION Insights. Provides a drill-down link to fetch the raw logs that match the Insight in Kibana Discover.

    insightTitle string

    The title of the Insight.

  • ]