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AWS S3 Bucket


Some AWS services can be configured to send their logs to an S3 bucket, where can directly retrieve them.

Shipping logs via S3 Hook

If your data is not alphabetically organized, use the S3 Hook. This requires deploying a Lambda function in your environment to manage the log shipping process.

Create new stack

To deploy this project, click the button that matches the region you wish to deploy your Stack to:

us-east-1Deploy to AWS
us-east-2Deploy to AWS
us-west-1Deploy to AWS
us-west-2Deploy to AWS
eu-central-1Deploy to AWS
eu-north-1Deploy to AWS
eu-west-1Deploy to AWS
eu-west-2Deploy to AWS
eu-west-3Deploy to AWS
sa-east-1Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-1Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-2Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-3Deploy to AWS
ap-south-1Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-1Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-2Deploy to AWS
ca-central-1Deploy to AWS

Specify stack details

Specify the stack details as per the table below, check the checkboxes and select Create stack.

logzioListenerThe listener URL for your region. (For more details, see the regions pageRequired
logzioTokenYour log shipping token.Required
logLevelLog level for the Lambda function. Can be one of: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic.Default: info
logTypeThe log type you'll use with this Lambda. This is shown in your logs under the type field in OpenSearch Dashboards. applies parsing based on the log type.Default: s3_hook
pathsRegexesComma-seperated list of regexes that match the paths you'd like to pull logs from.-
pathToFieldsFields from the path to your logs directory that you want to add to the logs. For example, org-id/aws-type/account-id will add each of the fields ord-id, aws-type and account-id to the logs that are fetched from the directory that this path refers to.-

Add trigger

After deploying the stack, wait a few minutes for it to complete. Once your Lambda function is ready, you'll need to manually add a trigger due to CloudFormation limitations:

  1. Navigate to the function's page and click on Add trigger.

  2. Choose S3 as a trigger, and fill in:

    • Bucket: Your bucket name.
    • Event type: Select All object create events.
    • Prefix and Suffix: Leave these fields empty.

    Confirm the checkbox, and click Add.

Send logs

Your function is now configured. When you upload new files to your bucket, the function will be triggered, and the logs will be sent to your account.


The S3 Hook will automatically parse logs if the object's path contains the phrase cloudtrail (case insensitive).

Check your logs

Allow some time for data ingestion, then check your OpenSearch Dashboards.

Encounter an issue? See our log shipping troubleshooting guide.

Shipping logs via S3 Fetcher

If your data is organized alphabetically, use S3 Fetcher. operates this fetcher, directly accessing your S3 to retrieve the data.


If your S3 bucket is encrypted, add kms:Decrypt to the policy on the ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt the bucket.

Best practices

Due to S3 API limitations, collects logs in alphabetical order. Keep the following tips in mind when configuring logging:

  • Make the prefix as specific as possible - The prefix is the part of your log path that remains constant across all logs. This includes the folder structure and the beginning of the filename.

  • The log path after the prefix must come in alphabetical order - Start the object name (after the prefix) with the Unix epoch time, as it always increases, ensuring that incoming logs are fetched correctly.

  • The size of each log file should not exceed 50 MB - Each log file should be no larger than 50 MB to ensure successful upload.

Add a New S3 Bucket via Wizard

Log into the app to use the dedicated configuration wizard and add a new S3 bucket.

  1. Click + Add a bucket
  2. Select IAM role as your method of authentication.
  3. The configuration wizard will open:
    • Select the hosting region from the dropdown list.
    • Enter the S3 bucket name
    • (Optional) Add a prefix if desired.
    • Decide whether to include the source file path as a field in your log.
  4. Save your information.
note fetches logs generated after the S3 bucket is configured. It cannot fetch logs retroactively.

Enable to access your S3 bucket

Add the following to your IAM policy:

  • s3:ListBucket - to list the files in your bucket and track which files have been ingested.
  • s3:GetObject - to download and ingest your files.

Add the following to your IAM policy:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
  • Replace <BUCKET_NAME> with the name of your S3 bucket.
  • Replace <<ARN_OF_THE_KMS_KEY_ROLE>> with your ARN of the KMS key role.

Note that the ListBucket permission is set to the entire bucket and the GetObject permission ends with a /* suffix, so we can get files in subdirectories.

Create a connector

Navigate to's Integration Hub and select the relevant AWS resource. Once inside, click + Add a bucket and select the option to Authenticate with a role.

Copy the Account ID and External ID from the integration page.

Fill out the form to create a new connector, including the S3 bucket name and optional Prefix where your logs are stored.

Click Get the role policy to review and copy the policy. Keep this information handy for use in AWS.

Choose whether you want to include the source file path. This saves the path of the file as a field in your log.

Create the policy

Navigate to IAM policies and click Create policy.

In the JSON tab, replace the default JSON with the policy you copied from

Click Next, provide a Name and optional Description, and then click Create policy. Remember the policy's name.

Create the IAM Role in AWS

Go to your IAM roles page in your AWS admin console and click "Create role."

Click AWS Account > Another AWS account.

Paste the Account ID you copied from

Paste the Account ID from, select Require external ID, and paste the External ID.

Click Next: Permissions, refresh the page, and search for your new policy. Select it and proceed.

Finalize the role

Provide a Name (e.g., "logzio-...") and optional Description.

Click Create role.

Copy the ARN to

In the IAM roles screen, type your new role's name in the search box. Click on it to enter its summary page.

Copy the role ARN (top of the page).

In, paste the ARN in the Role ARN field, and then click Save.

Check your logs

Allow some time for data ingestion, then open Open Search Dashboards.

Encounter an issue? See our log shipping troubleshooting guide.

Add buckets directly from

You can add your buckets directly from by providing your S3 credentials and configuration.

Add a new S3 bucket using the dedicated configuration wizard

Log into the app to use the dedicated configuration wizard and add a new S3 bucket.

  1. Click + Add a bucket.
  2. Select access keys as your method of authentication.
  3. The configuration wizard will open:
    • Select the hosting region from the dropdown list.
    • Enter the S3 bucket name
    • (Optional) Add a prefix if desired.
    • Decide whether to include the source file path as a field in your log.
  4. Save your information.
note fetches logs generated after the S3 bucket is configured. It cannot fetch logs retroactively.

Enable to access your S3 bucket

Add the following to your IAM policy:

  • s3:ListBucket - to list the files in your bucket and track which files have been ingested.
  • s3:GetObject - to download and ingest your files.

Add the following to your IAM policy:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
  • Replace <BUCKET_NAME> with the name of your S3 bucket.

Note that the ListBucket permission is set to the entire bucket and the GetObject permission ends with a /* suffix, so we can get files in subdirectories.

Create the user

Navigate to IAM users and click Create user.

Assign a User name.

Under Select AWS access type, select Programmatic access.

Click Next: Permissions to continue.

Create the policy

In the Set permissions section, click Attach existing policies directly and then Create policy. This opens the Create policy page in a new tab.

Set the following permissions:

  • Service: Choose S3
  • Actions: Select List > ListBucket and Read > GetObject
  • Resources > bucket: Click Add ARN to open the Add ARN dialog. Type the intended Bucket name, and then click Add.
  • Resources > object: Click Add ARN to open the Add ARN(s) dialog. Add the intended Bucket name, then select Object name > Any. Click Add.

Click Review policy, provide a Name and optional Description, and click Create policy.

Remember the policy's name—you'll need this in the next step.

Close the tab to return to the Add user page.

Attach the policy to the user

Refresh the page, search for your new policy, and select its check box.

Click Next: Tags, then Next: Review to continue to the Review screen.

Finalize the user

Give the user a Name and optional Description, and then click Create user.

You're taken to a success page.

Add the bucket to

Add the S3 bucket name and Prefix.

Copy the Access key ID and Secret access key, or click Download .csv.

In, paste the Access key and Secret key, and then click Save.

Check your logs

Allow some time for data ingestion, then open Open Search Dashboards.

Encounter an issue? See our log shipping troubleshooting guide.


Migrating IAM roles to a new external ID

If you previously set up an IAM role with your own external ID, we recommend updating your and AWS configurations to use a external ID. This enhances the security of your AWS account by removing the predictability of internal naming conventions.

Before Migration: Identify where the existing IAM role is used in You'll need to replace any S3 fetcher and Archive & Restore configurations that use the current role.

Migrate to the external ID in the same role

In this procedure, you'll:

  • Replace configurations to use the new external ID.
  • Update the external ID in your IAM role's trust policy.

Follow this process only if the IAM role is used in a single account.


When you update your IAM role to the external ID, all configurations relying on that role will stop working. Before you begin, make sure you know everywhere your existing IAM role is used in

1. Delete an S3 configuration from

Choose an S3 fetcher or Archive & restore configuration to replace.

Copy the S3 bucket name, Role ARN, and note the Bucket region. For an S3 fetcher, also copy the path Prefix and Log type.

Delete the configuration.

2. Replace the configuration

For an S3 fetcher, click Add a bucket and Authenticate with a role.

Recreate your configuration with the values copied earlier, and copy the External ID for use in AWS.

3. Update the external ID in your IAM role

Go to the IAM roles page and open the role used by the deleted configuration.

In the Trust relationships tab, click Edit trust relationship to open the policy document JSON.

Replace the value of sts:ExternalId with the external ID.

For example, if your account's external ID is logzio:aws:extid:example0nktixxe8q, you would see this:

"sts:ExternalId": "logzio:aws:extid:example0nktixxe8q"

Saving the trust policy at this point will immediately change your role's external ID. Any other configurations that use this role will stop working until you update them.

Click Update Trust Policy to use the external ID for this role.

4. Save the new S3 configuration in

  • For an S3 fetcher: Click Save
  • For Archive & restore: Click Start archiving

You'll see a success message if authenticated and connected to your S3 bucket.

If the connection failed, double-check your credentials in and AWS.

5. (If needed) Replace other configurations that use this role

If other configurations use the same role, update them with the new external ID. generates one external ID per account, so you won't need to change the role again.

Migrate to new IAM roles

In this procedure, you'll:

  • Create a new IAM role with the new external ID.
  • Replace configurations to use the new role.

Repeat this procedure for each account where you need to fetch or archive logs in an S3 bucket.

1. Delete an S3 configuration from

Choose an S3 fetcher or Archive & restore configuration to replace.

Copy the S3 bucket name, Role ARN, and note the Bucket region. For an S3 fetcher, also copy the path Prefix and Log type.

Delete the configuration.

2. Replace the configuration

For an S3 fetcher, click Add a bucket and Authenticate with a role.

Recreate your configuration with the values copied earlier, and copy the External ID for use in AWS.

3. Set up your new IAM role

Follow the steps in Grant access to an S3 bucket using the information you copied earlier.

Complete the setup of the new IAM role.

4. (If needed) Replace other configurations that use this role

If there are other S3 fetcher or Archive & Restore configurations in this account using the same role, repeat steps 1 and 2, and use the new role ARN.

For configurations in other accounts, repeat the entire procedure from the beginning.

Testing IAM Configuration

After setting up s3:ListBucket and s3:GetObject permissions, you can test the configuration as follows.

1. Install s3cmd

  • For Linux and Mac:

Download the .zip file from the master branch of the s3cmd GitHub repository.

  • For Windows:

Download s3cmd express.

Note: s3cmd will usually prefer your locally-configured S3 credentials over those provided as parameters. Backup your current S3 access settings or use a new instance or Docker container.

2. Configure s3cmd

Run s3cmd --configure and enter your IAM user access and secret keys.

3. List a required bucket

Run s3cmd ls s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<BUCKET_PREFIX>/. Replace <BUCKET_NAME> with the name of your s3 bucket and <BUCKET_PREFIX> with the bucket prefix, if the prefix is required.

4. Get a file from the bucket

Run s3cmd get s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<BUCKET_PREFIX>/<OBJECT_NAME>. Replace <BUCKET_NAME> with the name of your s3 bucket, <BUCKET_PREFIX> with the bucket prefix and <OBJECT_NAME> with the name of the file you want to retrieve.


Deploy this integration to send your Amazon S3 metrics to

This integration creates a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that links to your Amazon S3 metrics stream and then sends the metrics to your account. It also creates a Lambda function that adds AWS namespaces to the metric stream, and a Lambda function that collects and ships the resources' tags.

Install the pre-built dashboard to enhance the observability of your metrics.

Before you begin, you'll need:

  • An active account

Configure AWS to forward metrics to

1. Set the required minimum IAM permissions

configured the minimum required IAM permissions as follows:

  • Amazon S3:
    • s3:CreateBucket
    • s3:DeleteBucket
    • s3:PutObject
    • s3:GetObject
    • s3:DeleteObject
    • s3:ListBucket
    • s3:AbortMultipartUpload
    • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • AWS Lambda:
    • lambda:CreateFunction
    • lambda:DeleteFunction
    • lambda:InvokeFunction
    • lambda:GetFunction
    • lambda:UpdateFunctionCode
    • lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration
    • lambda:AddPermission
    • lambda:RemovePermission
    • lambda:ListFunctions
  • Amazon CloudWatch:
    • cloudwatch:PutMetricData
    • cloudwatch:PutMetricStream
    • logs:CreateLogGroup
    • logs:CreateLogStream
    • logs:PutLogEvents
    • logs:DeleteLogGroup
    • logs:DeleteLogStream
  • AWS Kinesis Firehose:
    • firehose:CreateDeliveryStream
    • firehose:DeleteDeliveryStream
    • firehose:PutRecord
    • firehose:PutRecordBatch
  • IAM:
    • iam:PassRole
    • iam:CreateRole
    • iam:DeleteRole
    • iam:AttachRolePolicy
    • iam:DetachRolePolicy
    • iam:GetRole
    • iam:CreatePolicy
    • iam:DeletePolicy
    • iam:GetPolicy
  • Amazon CloudFormation:
    • cloudformation:CreateStack
    • cloudformation:DeleteStack
    • cloudformation:UpdateStack
    • cloudformation:DescribeStacks
    • cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents
    • cloudformation:ListStackResources

2. Create Stack in the relevant region

To deploy this project, click the button that matches the region you wish to deploy your Stack to:

us-east-1Deploy to AWS
us-east-2Deploy to AWS
us-west-1Deploy to AWS
us-west-2Deploy to AWS
eu-central-1Deploy to AWS
eu-central-2Deploy to AWS
eu-north-1Deploy to AWS
eu-west-1Deploy to AWS
eu-west-2Deploy to AWS
eu-west-3Deploy to AWS
eu-south-1Deploy to AWS
eu-south-2Deploy to AWS
sa-east-1Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-1Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-2Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-3Deploy to AWS
ap-south-1Deploy to AWS
ap-south-2Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-1Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-2Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-3Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-4Deploy to AWS
ap-east-1Deploy to AWS
ca-central-1Deploy to AWS
ca-west-1Deploy to AWS
af-south-1Deploy to AWS
me-south-1Deploy to AWS
me-central-1Deploy to AWS
il-central-1Deploy to AWS

3. Specify stack details

Specify the stack details as per the table below, check the checkboxes and select Create stack.

ParameterDescriptionRequired/Default listener URL for your region. (For more details, see the regions page. e.g.,
logzioTokenYour metrics shipping token.Required
awsNamespacesComma-separated list of AWS namespaces to monitor. See this list of namespaces. Use value all-namespaces to automatically add all namespaces.At least one of awsNamespaces or customNamespace is required
customNamespaceA custom namespace for CloudWatch metrics. Used to specify a namespace unique to your setup, separate from the standard AWS namespaces.At least one of awsNamespaces or customNamespace is required
logzioDestinationYour destination URL. Choose the relevant endpoint from the drop down list based on your account region.Required
httpEndpointDestinationIntervalInSecondsBuffer time in seconds before Kinesis Data Firehose delivers data.60
httpEndpointDestinationSizeInMBsBuffer size in MBs before Kinesis Data Firehose delivers data.5
debugModeEnable debug mode for detailed logging (true/false).false

4. View your metrics

Allow some time for data ingestion, then open your metrics account.

Install the pre-built dashboard to enhance the observability of your metrics.