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Microsoft Azure Office365 Message Trace Reports (mail reports)

You can ship logs available from the Microsoft Graph APIs with Logzio-api-fetcher. Microsoft Graph is a RESTful web API that enables you to access Microsoft Cloud service resources. This integration allows you to collect data from Microsoft Graph API and send it to your account.

Logzio-api-fetcher supports many API endpoints, including but not limited to:

  • Azure Active Directory audit logs
  • Azure Active Directory sign-in logs

There are many other APIs available through Microsoft Graph.

Register a new app in Azure Active Directory

In the Azure portal, go to App registration and select New registration from the top menu.

Name your app and click Register.

Create a client secret

Choose Certificates & secrets from the side menu, and click on New client secret.

Add a Description. We recommend something specific, such as "secret for Logzio-MSGraph integration".

In the Expires list, choose Never.

Click Add.

Copy the value of the generated secret to your text editor. You'll need this later.


You won't be able to retrieve the secret's value after you leave this page.

Set the app's permissions

Choose API permissions from the side menu, and click Add a permission.

Select Office 365 exchange online > Application permissions.

Search for the following permssion: ReportingWebService.Read.All

Click Add permissions.

Click Grant admin consent for Default Directory, and then click Yes to confirm.


Only Azure administrators can grant consent for Default Directory. If the Grant admin consent button is disabled, ask your Azure admin to update the setting for you.

Configure application to have one of the following IAM roles:

IAM roles are showen in least permissive order:

  • Global Reader role
  • Exchange Administrator
  • Global Administrator

Pull the Docker image of the API fetcher

docker pull logzio/logzio-api-fetcher

Create a configuration file

In the directory created in the previous step, create a file config.yaml using the example configuration below:

url: https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071

- name: mail reports example
type: azure_mail_reports
azure_ad_tenant_id: <<AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID>>
azure_ad_client_id: <<AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID>>
azure_ad_secret_value: <<AZURE_AD_SECRET_VALUE>>
type: azure_mail_reports
scrape_interval: 60 # for mail reports we suggest no less than 60 minutes
days_back_fetch: 8 # for mail reports we suggest up to 8 days

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalDefault
nameName of the API (custom name)Optionalazure api
azure_ad_tenant_idThe Azure AD Tenant idRequired-
azure_ad_client_idThe Azure AD Client idRequired-
azure_ad_secret_valueThe Azure AD Secret valueRequired-
start_date_filter_keyThe name of key to use for the start date filter in the request URL params.OptionalstartDate
end_date_filter_keyThe name of key to use for the end date filter in the request URL params.OptionalEndDate
data_request.urlThe request URLRequired-
data_request.additional_fieldsAdditional custom fields to add to the logs before sending to logzioOptional-
days_back_fetchThe amount of days to fetch back in the first requestOptional1 (day)
scrape_intervalTime interval to wait between runs (unit: minutes)Optional1 (minute)

Important notes and limitations

  • We recommend setting the days_back_fetch parameter to no more than 8d (~192 hours) as this might cause unexpected errors with the API.
  • We recommend setting the time_interval parameter to no less than 60, to avoid short time frames in which messages trace will be missed.
  • Microsoft may delay trace events for up to 24 hours, and events are not guaranteed to be sequential during this delay. For more information, see the Data granularity, persistence, and availability section of the MessageTrace report topic in the Microsoft documentation: MessageTrace report API

Run the Docker container

In the path where you saved your config.yaml, run:

docker run --name logzio-api-fetcher \
-v "$(pwd)":/app/src/shared \

To run in Debug mode add --level flag to the command:

docker run --name logzio-api-fetcher \
-v "$(pwd)":/app/src/shared \
logzio/logzio-api-fetcher \
--level DEBUG

Available Options: INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG

Stop the Docker container

When you stop the container, the code will run until the iteration is completed. To make sure it will finish the iteration on time, please give it a grace period of 30 seconds when you run the docker stop command.

docker stop -t 30 logzio-api-fetcher

Check for your logs

Give your logs some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Open Search Dashboards. You can filter for data of your custom field type value or type api_fetcher to see the incoming Microsoft Graph logs.

If you still don't see your logs, see log shipping troubleshooting.

You can see a full list of the possible configuration values in the logzio-api-fetcher github repository.