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AWS Cost and Usage Reports

AWS Cost and Usage Reports function tracks your AWS usage and provides estimated charges associated with your account. This integration allows you to ship logs from your AWS Cost and Usage Reports to your account.


Your Lambda function needs to run within the AWS Lambda limits, such as memory allocation and timeout. Make sure you understand these limits. If you can't adjust your settings to stay within the Lambda limits, you can use the AWS Support Center console to request an increase. Learn more about AWS Lambda Limits.

Automated CloudFormation deployment

This deployment will automatically create the following resources:


Login to your account

To begin, you need to login to your AWS account.

Create a new stack

Select the button below to create a new stack dedicated to sending the AWS cost and usage reports to

Deploy to AWS

Create stack

Keep the default setting in the Create stack screen and select Next.

Specify the stack details

Specify stack details

Specify the stack details as per the table below and select Next.

Stack namelogzio-cur-auto-deployment
CloudWatchEventScheduleExpressionDefault: rate(10 hours) The scheduling expression that determines when and how often the Lambda function runs. recommends to start with 10 hours rate.
LambdaMemorySizeDefault: 1024 (MB) The amount of memory available to the function at runtime. recommends to start with 1024 MB.
LambdaTimeoutDefault: 300 (seconds) The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. recommends to start with 300 seconds (5 minutes).
LogzioTokenYour log shipping token:<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to.
LogzioURLThe listener URL: https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071 Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071.
ReportAdditionalSchemaElementsChoose INCLUDE if you want AWS to include additional details about individual resources IDs in the report (This might significantly increase the report size and might affect performance. AWS Lambda can run for up to 15 minutes with up to 10240 MB, and the process time for the whole file must end within this timeframe.) This is an optional parameter.
ReportNameThe name of report that you want to create.
ReportPrefixThe prefix that AWS adds to the report name when AWS delivers the report.
ReportTimeUnitThe granularity of the line items in the report. Can be Hourly, Daily or Monthly. (Enabling hourly reports does not mean that a new report is generated every hour. It means that data in the report is aggregated with a granularity of one hour.)
S3BucketNameThe name for the bucket which will contain the report files.

Configure the stack options

Configure stack options

Specify the Key and Value parameters for the Tags and select Next.

Review the deployment

Review deployment Confirm deployment

Confirm that you acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources and select Create stack.

Check for your logs

Give your logs the time specified in CloudWatchEventScheduleExpression to get from your system to ours, and then open Open Search Dashboards.

All logs that were sent from the Lambda function will be under the type billing.

To get more out of this functionality, you can enable a dedicated AWS cost and usage dashboard in ELK Apps.

If you still don't see your logs, see log shipping troubleshooting.

Deployment using a module

Deploy this integration to add a module for AWS cost and usage report to your existing stack. This integration uses CloudWatch Public Registry.

note Public Registry extensions are currently only available on the AWS region us-east-1.


At the moment, our AWS Lambda-based integrations do not support working with test events. This functionality is in development.

Before you begin, you'll need:

  • A CloudFormation stack
  • An S3 bucket to store the CloudFormation package

Select the AWS Cost and Usage extension

  1. Navigate to CloudFormation > Registry > Public extensions.
  2. Set Extension type > Modules and Publisher > Third party.
  3. Select Logzio::awsCostAndUsage::cur::MODULE.

Activate the AWS Cost and Usage extension

  1. On the Logzio::awsCostAndUsage::cur::MODULE select Activate.
  2. In the Extension details section, select Use default.
  3. In the Automatic updates section, select On.
  4. Select Activate extension.

Copy the configuration template

On the Logzio::awsCostAndUsage::cur::MODULE page, navigate to Example template and select Copy template.

Add your stack values to the configuration template

"Resources": {
"MyModule": {
"Type": "Logzio::awsCostAndUsage::cur::MODULE",
"Properties": {
"S3BucketName": "S3BucketName",
"ReportName": "ReportName",
"ReportPrefix": "ReportPrefix",
"ReportTimeUnit": "ReportTimeUnit",
"ReportAdditionalSchemaElements": "ReportAdditionalSchemaElements",
"LogzioURL": "https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071",
"LogzioToken": "<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>",
"LambdaMemorySize": "LambdaMemorySize",
"LambdaTimeout": "LambdaTimeout",
"CloudWatchEventScheduleExpression": "CloudWatchEventScheduleExpression"

Save the template as a yaml file and add the values of your stack to the as per the table below.

CloudWatchEventScheduleExpressionDefault: rate(10 hours) The scheduling expression that determines when and how often the Lambda function runs. recommends to start with 10 hours rate.
LambdaMemorySizeDefault: 1024 (MB) The amount of memory available to the function at runtime. recommends to start with 1024 MB.
LambdaTimeoutDefault: 300 (seconds) The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. recommends to start with 300 seconds (5 minutes).
LogzioTokenYour log shipping token:<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to.
LogzioURLThe listener URL: https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071 Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071.
ReportAdditionalSchemaElementsChoose INCLUDE if you want AWS to include additional details about individual resources IDs in the report (This might significantly increase the report size and might affect performance. AWS Lambda can run for up to 15 minutes with up to 10240 MB, and the process time for the whole file must end within this timeframe.) This is an optional parameter.
ReportNameThe name of report that you want to create.
ReportPrefixThe prefix that AWS adds to the report name when AWS delivers the report.
ReportTimeUnitThe granularity of the line items in the report. Can be Hourly, Daily or Monthly. (Enabling hourly reports does not mean that a new report is generated every hour. It means that data in the report is aggregated with a granularity of one hour.)
S3BucketNameThe name for the bucket which will contain the report files.

Add your stack values to the configuration template

If you are creating a new stack:

  1. In step 1 of the Create stack process, select Template is ready.
  2. Select Upload a template file.

If you are editing an existing stack:

  1. Select the stack.

  2. Select Update.

  3. Select Edit template in designer.

  4. Paste the content of the yaml file into the Resources section of the template as follows:

    "MyModule": {
    "Type": "Logzio::awsCostAndUsage::cur::MODULE",
    "Properties": {
    "S3BucketName": "S3BucketName",
    "ReportName": "ReportName",
    "ReportPrefix": "ReportPrefix",
    "ReportTimeUnit": "ReportTimeUnit",
    "ReportAdditionalSchemaElements": "ReportAdditionalSchemaElements",
    "LogzioURL": "LogzioURL",
    "LogzioToken": "<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>",
    "LambdaMemorySize": "LambdaMemorySize",
    "LambdaTimeout": "LambdaTimeout",
    "CloudWatchEventScheduleExpression": "CloudWatchEventScheduleExpression"
  5. If required, change the module name by editing the "MyModule" value.