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Azure Activity Logs

Automate the deployment of your Azure activity logs. By the end of this process, you will have an event hub namespace, an event hub, and two storage blobs configured.

The deployed resources will collect data from a single Azure region.

Configuration via Azure ARM template

1. Deploy the template 👇

Deploy to Azure

This deployment will create the following services:

  • Serverless Function App (Python-based)
  • Event Hubs Namespace
  • Event Hubs Instance
  • Storage account:
    • Function's logs containers
    • Failed shipments logs container
  • App Service Plan
  • Log Analytics Workspace
  • Application Insights

2. Configure the template

Use these settings when configuring the template:

Resource group*Create a new resource group or select an existing one.
Region*Select the region closest to your Azure services.
LogzioURL*Use the listener URL specific to your account region.
LogzioToken*Your logs shipping token.
ThreadCountNumber of threads for the Function App (default: 4).
bufferSizeMaximum number of messages to accumulate before sending (default: 100).
intervalTimeInterval time for sending logs in milliseconds (default: 10000).
maxTriesThe maximum number of retries for the backoff mechanism (default: 3).
logTypeThe type of the logs being processed (default: eventHub).

*Required fields.

At the bottom of the page, click Review + Create, then select Create to deploy.

Deployment may take a few minutes.

3. Stream Azure service data

Once deployment is complete, configure your Azure services to stream logs to the newly created Event Hub. For each service:

  1. Create diagnostic settings.
  2. Under Event hub policy name, select the appropriate policy (e.g., RootManageSharedAccessKey).

For more details, see Microsoft's documentation.

4. Check for your data

Give your data some time to be processed, and then open

If everything went according to plan, you should see logs with the type eventHub in Explore.

Backup for unshipped logs

The deployment includes a backup mechanism for logs that fail to ship to By default, these logs are stored in the failedlogbackup blob container, but this can be customized to a different container name of your choice during the setup process.

Post-deployment configuration

To modify configuration after deployment, go to your Function App's Configuration tab. You can adjust settings such as LogzioURL, LogzioToken, bufferSize, and more.

Configuration via Terraform

You can use Terraform as an alternative to the Azure Template to set up your log shipping environment. The Terraform configuration files are available here. Follow these steps to deploy the integration using Terraform:


  • Terraform installed on your local machine.
  • Azure CLI installed and configured with your Azure account credentials.

Deploying with Terraform

  1. Download the Terraform Configuration: Use curl to download only the and files from the GitHub repository.

     curl -O \
    curl -O
  2. Create a .tfvars File: Create a terraform.tfvars file in the same folder to specify your configurations, such as your token.

    logzio_url = "https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071"
    logzio_token = "<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>"
    thread_count = 4
    buffer_size = 100
    interval_time = 10000
    max_tries = 3
    log_type = "eventHub"
  3. Initialize Terraform: Run the Terraform initialization to install the necessary plugins.

     terraform init
  4. Apply Terraform Configuration: Deploy the infrastructure using terraform apply. You will be prompted to review the proposed changes before applying the configuration.

     terraform apply

    Type yes when prompted to confirm the deployment.

  5. Verify Deployment: After successful application of the Terraform configuration, your Azure services will be set up and ready for log shipping.