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JumpCloud is a cloud-based directory service that provides identity and access management solutions for securely managing users, devices, and applications. Every specified time interval, this integration collects JumpCloud events via the JumpCloud API defined in the configuration and forwards them to

Before you begin, you'll need: an active account with JumpCloud.

Download the logzio/logzio-jumpcloud Docker image

docker pull logzio/logzio-jumpcloud

Mount a host directory as a data volume

Create a local directory and navigate to it:

mkdir logzio-jumpcloud
cd logzio-jumpcloud

Create a configuration file

In the logzio-jumpcloud directory, create a configuration file config.yaml with the following content:

url: "https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071"
Parameter NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalDefault
urlThe Listener URL for your region with port 8071.Required-
tokenYour log shipping token.Required-
jumpcloud_apiA dictionary containing the JumpCloud API configurations.Required-
start_dateThe start date and time for querying the JumpCloud API in UTC time with the format of %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ. For example: 2023-05-04T12:30:00.000000Z.OptionalThe current date and time.
credentialsA dictionary containing the token for authenticating the JumpCloud API request.Required-
tokenYour JumpCloud API token.Required-
time_intervalThe time interval for querying the JumpCloud API in minutes.Optional5m

Run the docker container

docker run --name logzio-jumpcloud -v "$(pwd)":/app/src/shared logzio/logzio-jumpcloud

Check for your data

Give your data some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Open Search Dashboards.

If you still don't see your logs, see log shipping troubleshooting.

Stop the docker container

docker stop -t 30 logzio/logzio-jumpcloud

Tracking and continuity of API calls using lastTime.txt

Upon the successful completion of each API call, the system records the last start date for the subsequent iteration in a file named lastTime.txt. Each entry in this file begins with the API name and concludes with the last start date, formatted in UTC as %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ.

This lastTime.txt file is located in the mounted host directory you set up. In the event of a container stoppage, you can resume operations seamlessly by incorporating the last start date into the API filters within the configuration.

Please ensure that the last start date included in the configuration also adheres to the UTC format of %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ for consistency and accuracy.