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Create a sub account



Creates a new logging sub account. Must be run with an API token from the main account.



    email stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[_A-Za-z0-9-\+]+(\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*(\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$

    Account administrator's email address

    accountName stringrequired

    Name of the account

    isFlexible boolean

    Default value: false

    reservedDailyGB float
    • If isFlexible=false, don't send this field or send it null.

    • If isFlexible=true, this parameter is required. It determines the volume that is reserved for the account.

    maxDailyGB float

    The maximum volume of data that an account can index per calendar day.

    • If isFlexible=false this is the only capacity reserved for use by the account. Cannot be null.

    • If isFlexible=true this is used to limit the account's access to shared volume. Once the data shipped to the account exceeds the account's reserved capacity, the account can continue to index data up to its maxDailyGB, as long as shared volume is available.

    • If null (and isFlexible=true), the account is uncapped and can continue to index data as long as shared volume is available.

    retentionDays int32required

    Possible values: >= 1

    How long log data is stored and searchable in Kibana, in days.

    searchable boolean

    Default value: false

    If other accounts can search this account's logs, true. Otherwise, false.

    accessible boolean

    Default value: false

    If users of the main account can access this account, true. Otherwise, false.

    sharingObjectsAccounts int32[]required

    IDs of accounts that can access this account's data. The array is required, but can be empty.

    docSizeSetting boolean

    Default value: false

    Adds a LogSize field to each log to record the size in bytes, to better manage the account utilization.

    utilizationSettings object

    Settings for logging metrics on your account utilization, such as used and expected data volume at current indexing rate.

    frequencyMinutes int32

    How often utilization metrics are written to logs, in minutes

    utilizationEnabled boolean

    If utilization metrics are written to logs, true. Otherwise, false.


successful operation

    accountId int32

    ID of the account
