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Bulk delete security rules



Delete security rules in bulk



    filters object
    search string

    Search string

    severities string[]

    Possible values: [INFO, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, SEVERE]

    Filter by the severities of the security rules. You can manually test your results in the UI.

    updatedBy string[]

    Email addresses of the last users to update the rules

    createdBy string[]

    Email addresses of the users to create the rules

    enabledState list of booleans

    true to include enabled rules, false to include disabled rules. An empty list defaults to both enabled and disabled rules.

    emailNotifications string[]

    List of email addresses on the recipients list to receive notifications when the rules trigger.

    notificationsEndpointIds int32[]

    Notification endpoints

    tags object[]

    Tags are labels used to organize security rules.

    ruleIds int32[]
    fields object
    enabled boolean

    Whether felds are enabled.

    recipients object


    recipientsOperation string

    Recepients operation.

    recipients object


    emails string[]

    Email addresses of the recepients.

    notificationEndpointIds int32[]

    Notification endpoints.

    all boolean


successful operation
